Furouta ist ein Gespenst, das seine Gestalt wandeln kann und gerne die Menschen auf den Arm nimmt. So lässt er einen zum Verkauf stehenden schönen Käfer entfliehen - noch weiß er jedoch nicht, dass dieser kein normales Insekt ist. Zur gleichen Zeit entsteht plötzlich ein schwarzer Nebel, welcher in Richtung Regierungsbezirk Nagata-Cho wandert und schließlich das Parlamentsgebäude umhüllt.
Fuurouta is a prank-loving ghost with transformation abilities. He became a bird at a department store in Ginza and let free a beautiful insect that was on sale. However, it was no average insect at all. The "Black Fog" that occurred at the same time flowed to Nagatacho and engulfed the area around the National Diet Building. Jiro and Kikko, who were handling the problem, meet Fuurouta at the police station and take him to the "Superhuman Bureau." Fuurouta gets interested in the bureau's activities and tries to go against the "Black Fog" in order to join...
Fûrôta est un obaké, une créature capable de changer d'apparence et qui adore jouer des tours. Il se change en oiseau devant une animalerie d'un centre commercial de Ginza et permet ainsi à un insecte qui allait être vendu de s'échapper, mais cet insecte n'était pas un animal comme les autres... Au même moment, un « brouillard noir » s’abat sur la ville.
신카 41년 하츠야 백화점에서 곤충 구경을 하고 있는 후로타는 철창에 갇힌 곤충 한 마리를 구해준다. 그러자 탈출한 곤충은 검은 안개와 함께 사라져버린다. 그 후 신카 48년에 후로타는 옛날에 구해줬던 곤충과 재회하는데...