After losing her sight as a teen and falling into a deep depression, a young woman finally gets her life back with the help of a guide Poodle named Thomson. After ‘soldiering through’ 34 years of military service and subsequently losing his family while battling PTSD, a special German Sheppard service dog showed up as a hero in this story. Not only does service dog Thor help Rob deal with the isolation and anxiety brought on by the PTSD, but it’s helping him find a reason to enjoy life again.
A lumbering Black Labrador named Harley helps his owner overcome the obstacles related to PTSD from a traumatic accident in frigid waters. A firefighter struggles with the toll his 20 year career took on him, but he is putting his life back together with the help of a rambunctious young service dog named Blaze.
The parents of a little girl at risk of strokes, can rest a little easier now that a sweet Yellow service Lab, is able to alert them to any abnormalities in their daughter’s physiology. An alert Australian Shepherd named Spirit keeps her handler in the present when he shuts down due to the affects of PTSD when environmental triggers remind him of his time in pirate infested seas.
A therapy pig named Chewy helps a large family de-stress after moving countries, giving them the motivation to be more involved in their new community. A former police officer with PTSD receives assistance from a fun loving Bernese/Black Labrador mix named Nixon, who helps her cope with past traumas allowing her to find a new life and love again.
A dog trainer with type 1 diabetes trains a miniature horse named Annabelle to detect his low blood sugars giving him the confidence to do more things in life without worrying about his health. A rescued American Bull dog named Zev helps a woman with a severe digestive disorder allow her to stay true to her passions and gain the courage live more fully and enjoy life in a way she never had before.
A Yellow Labrador named Bella helps a woman with chronic pain enjoy life again. A former hunting horse named Max bonds with a 9 year old girl who has fetal Alcoholic Syndrome while helping her thrive emotionally and physically.
One of the first diabetes alert dogs in Canada saves the lives of teenage twins with type 1 diabetes, and offers them new found freedom and independence. An animal loving Gulf war veteran with amnesia receives Animal-assisted therapy from a dolphin named Squirt.
A non-verbal teenage boy with Autism finds his voice through a friendship with two pygmy goats, Jasper and Zephyr, helping him develop remarkable differences in his social skills. An energetic Golden Retriever named Molly, eases a young woman who was assaulted and has developed seizures, making her feel safe at all times and allowing her to be independent again.
A former teacher who developed multiple emotional and mental disorders after teaching overseas, finds comfort and peace of mind thanks to a beautiful Golden Retriever named Jamie. A laid back Bengal cat named Aragon provides love and affection to his owner, who battled with bi-polar and alcoholism throughout her adult life. Now they are a team providing comfort to people in their community.
An 8 year old boy with severe autism who struggles with the world around him finds comfort, safety and a way to open up through his service dog, Totem, A loyal black Labrador. In upstate New York, a woman who suffered from depression most of her life finally finds love, joy and purpose thanks to emotional support rats.
An inmate who participated in a dog training program in Prison, becomes a trainer herself when she was released, changing her life and the life of others through canine companionship. A teenage girl trains a therapy donkey named Jupiter for her little brother with Down Syndrome.
A Golden Doodle named Tahoe, helps a man who is paraplegic with mobility and daily tasks, giving him a sense of independence he longed for. A veteran with PTSD receives successful therapy from an Appaloosa horse named Captain Jack Sparrow when all else failed, allowing him to be free of the triggers of his illness and enjoy life again.
A U.S. war veteran diagnosed with PTSD finds solace in rescue parrots Bella and Chico; an English spaniel diabetic alert dog detects Noahs life-threatening drops in blood sugar levels.
A black Labrador trained by inmates in the California prison system helps a boy with autism gain independence and engage in social activities; a photographer and blogger with PTSD and anxiety is helped by a deaf American bulldog.
A golden doodle named Hope helps an ex-military mom cope with her PTSD and other physical ailments; a miniature service horse named Honey helps a woman with Crohn's disease
A college student fights depression with the help of a rescue pigeon named Miu; a surfing dog named Ricochet helps a preteen with autism gain confidence and develop socially.
Psychiatric service dog Teigan helps a retired paramedic suffering from PTSD; great Pyrenees mix named Luna and an Irish sport horse named Bono help a young woman cope with her anxiety and bipolar disorder.
A young woman with physical and mental health issues is looked after by her service dog Stanley; after losing his vision from a hereditary condition, Daniel builds a new life with the help of guide dog Leo.
A yellow Labrador helps a young woman diagnosed with PTSD and depression find peace after bullying throughout high school; a boy with Asperger's finds companionship and develops his social skills with the help of a pot-bellied pig.
A grieving widow finds her confidence and independence after working with horses Cinder and Holly; a standard poodle named Frodo responds to a boy’s epileptic seizures.
A young woman with cerebral palsy gains confidence thanks to a golden retriever named Big Mac; Labrador Atlas provides assistance to a man with Parkinson's Disease.
After a life-altering head injury, a young girl is given a second chance at a normal childhood thanks to her mobility assistance dog; a capuchin service monkey inspires newfound purpose in the life of a C5-C6 quadriplegic.
A border collie/husky mix aids a teenage boy struggling with depression and is the muse for his career aspirations; a golden retriever distracts a teenage girl from her chronic pain so she can focus on enjoying life.
After a motor accident leaves Adam paralyzed, a chocolate Lab unintentionally becomes his service dog; a young woman with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome forms fundamental socialization skills through a therapeutic horse-riding program.