Home / Series / Colin & Justin's Home Heist / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 3

Trash - Or Treasure?

Art-loving Jane loves her classic Victorian home… But admits the oppressive décor is long overdue for an overhaul. The incredibly dusty interiors feature vivid prints and dark colors, ratty houseplants, and even rattier rattan furniture… And, like the house of a crazy lady, every surface is cluttered with random collectibles, including a silk kimono and a wind-up sushi collection. After an ambush at an art gallery where Jane’s own belongings end up on display, Colin and Justin vow to transform Jane’s home, weed out all the rubbish, and celebrate what’s right about it. In addition to creating warm, new living spaces with French Bohemian flair, the designer gods are determined to teach Jane how to best display much-loved collectibles and houseplants. Jane says she’s ready for a change… But can she sustain her enthusiasm when the project falls behind schedule?

  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Network Home Network
  • Created July 26, 2014 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified July 26, 2014 by
    Administrator admin