A tower is activated and a spectre is sent after Odd, taking the appearance of a football player. Aelita and Ulrich go to deactivate the tower, but when they reach it, Aelita is unable to enter. The tower deactivated itself because Odd lost the last of his source codes to the spectre.
Odd then formulates a protection plan where the "codeless" protect the people who can't return to Lyoko for 12 hours, and who have nowhere to hide from XANA's spectres. Another tower is activated and Ulrich and Aelita are shut in a closet under Odd's protection while William and Yumi are sent to Lyoko. William seems upset about being referred to as "codeless," as it means he can't deactivate towers, and isn't considered as important as the others. When he and Yumi reach the tower they're confronted by an evil clone of William who plays on his doubts, telling him that he's being used by the gang, especially Yumi. He and the clone then chase after Yumi while the footballer spectre finds Ulrich and Aelita and corners them.
Odd realises that the sound system can be used to disrupt the spectre and stop it from advancing, so he starts singing Frère Jacques over the PA to delay it. Meanwhile, William turns on his clone, allowing Yumi to get to the tower and deactivate it.
Odd, victime d'une attaque de spectre, se voit dépouillé de tout son code. Il panique, puis décide de créer un bunker, une solution de repli où les "codés" seront protégés par un lyokoguerrier sans code. Mais cette décision ne fait pas l'unanimité, et William, en conflit avec Yumi, prend rapidement le large ...
Heureusement, l'initiative d'Odd s'avère salvatrice, car elle permet à Ulrich et Aélita d'échapper au spectre qui les traque pendant un temps. Mais la donne change quand Odd se rend compte que ce spectre est un passe-muraille... Au même moment, sur Lyoko, Yumi et William tentent de désactiver la tour pour empêcher Xana de nuire. William est confronté à son propre clone que lui envoie l'IA...
Od, koji je bio žrtva napada spektra, gubi sve preostale izvorne kodove. Od paniči, ali onda odlučuje da napravi bunker, rešenje u kome ljudi sa kodovima budu zaštićeni od strane Lioko ratnika bez kodova. Ali ova odluka nije jednoglasna, a Vilijam, ne u dobrim odnosima sa Jumi, uskoro odlazi… Srećom, Odova inicijativa se pokazala srećnom, jer omogućava Ulriku i Aeliti da pobegnu za kratko vreme iz spektra koji ih lovi. Ali, tabele se okreću kada Od shvati da spektar može da prođe kroz zidove… U istom trenutku, u Lioku, Jumi i Vilijam pokušavaju da deaktiviraju toranj da spreče Ksenu da učini bilo šta. Ali Vilijam se suočava sa svojim klonom, koji je veštački entitet poslao…
Odd sufre un ataque de unl espectro y se ve despojada de todo su código. Entra en pánico y decide crear un bunker codificado para salvar los códigos de los otros guerreros. Pero esta decisión no es unánime, y William, en conflicto con Yumi...
Afortunadamente, la iniciativa de Odd permite a Ulrich y Aelita escapar del acecho de un espectro por un tiempo. Pero la situación cambia... Mientras tanto, en Lyoko, Yumi y William tratar de apagar una torre activada por Xana. William se enfrenta a su propio clon que envía la IA.
يتم تنشيط برج ويتم إرسال شبح لاود، يأخذ مظهر لاعب كرة قدم. تذهب اليتا واورليش لإلغاء تنشيط البرج، ولكن عندما يصلان إليه، لا تتمكن اليتا من الدخول. قام البرج بإلغاء تنشيط نفسه لأن اود فقد آخر رموز مصدره للشبح.