Jeremy is woken up by the Superscan when it picks up two activated towers. He warns the others, and just as they're leaving Aelita receives a message from an unknown sender asking her to meet them in a nearby building. While she's thinking about it, Laura comes and asks why she's not in class, then realizes that the others are at the factory. Aelita tells her to go on ahead, which she happily does.
Aelita then goes to the meeting place and finds a blonde-haired woman there; her long-lost mother, Anthea. They share a warm mother-daughter embrace. Jeremy offers Laura the controls and goes to find Aelita, realizing her "mother" is actually a spectre, and tries to convince her of it. Aelita doesn't believe him and returns to the spectre.
Meanwhile, Laura figures out XANA's strategy; activating the two towers one after the other in a specific sequence of prime numbers. She relays the information to Odd and Yumi on Lyoko, who then enter the towers at the right moment and deactivates them, destroying the spectre in Aelita's arms. Aelita feels remorseful her actions, but the gang all stick up for her, firmly assuring her that she is not alone. As Laura leaves, Aelita thanks her for her help.
Xana lance une attaque inhabituelle, en se servant de deux tours qui s'activent et se désactivent de façon apparemment aléatoire. Pendant que les Lyokoguerriers cherchent à désactiver les deux tours, Aélita se fait attirer dans un piège, par un spectre qui se fait passer pour sa mère. Jérémy est le seul à pouvoir la secourir. Pendant qu'il fonce l'aider, Laura prend les commandes et mène de main de maître la mission sur Lyoko...
Ksena pokreće neobičan napad, koristeći dva tornja koji se aktiviraju i deaktiviraju na očigledno nasumičan način. Dok Lioko ratnici pokušavaju da deaktiviraju ova dva tornja, Aelita pada u zamku, izazvanu spektrom koji prolazi kao njena majka. DŽeremi je jedini koji može da joj pomogne. Dok je otišao da joj pomogne, Lora uzima kontrolu nad superkompjuterom i daje ruku u misiji u Lioku…
Xana lanza un ataque inusual usando dos torres que se encienden y apagan de forma aparentemente aleatoria. Los Guerreros de Lyoko buscan cómo desactivar las dos torres, mientras Aelita cae en la trampa de un espectro que se hace pasar por su madre. Jeremy es el único que puede ayudarla. Laura toma el control y conduce magistralmente la misión en Lyoko.
أيقظ الكشاف الخارق جيريمي عندما يلتقط برجين مفعلين. يحذر الآخرين، وعندما يغادرون، تتلقى إليتا رسالة من مرسل مجهول يطلب منها مقابلتهم في مبنى قريب. أثناء تفكيرها في الأمر، تأتي لورا وتسأل عن سبب عدم وجودها في الفصل، ثم تدرك أن الآخرين في المصنع. تطلب منها اليتا المضي قدمًا، وهو ما تفعله بسعادة.