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Season 21

  • S21E01 Rehearsing Doomsday

    • January 1, 2000

    A look at the United States' and Russia's nuclear capabilities, including ICBM bases, satellite information networks, command centers, and the role of the president in nuclear warfare.

Season 29

  • S29E01 Escape from Jonestown

    • November 13, 2008

    On November 18, 1978, 909 Americans were led to their death by the Rev. Jim Jones in a mass murder-suicide pact in a South American jungle. Only 33 people survived. CNN special correspondent Soledad O'Brien reported on their untold stories in "CNN Presents: Escape from Jonestown."

Season 31

Season 35

  • S35E01 Love & Death in Paradise

    • CNN

  • S35E02 Blockbuster: The Story of American Sniper

    • CNN

  • S35E03 Inside the McStay Family Murders

    • CNN

  • S35E04 DEADLY HIGH: How Synthetic Drugs Are Killing Kids

    • December 2, 2014
    • CNN

  • S35E05 Black in America: Black and Blue

    • November 28, 2014
    • CNN

    The documentary film, BLACK & BLUE, takes us into the lives of men frisked without cause as many as 100 times & the police officers who insist they're just fighting crime. Between 2002 through mid- 2013, the New York Police Department reported making more than 5 million stops. More than 80 percent of those stopped were African American or Latino & 88 percent of the stops did not result in arrests, summons, or evidence of any crime, O'Brien reports with her co-directors Ross Tuttle & Steve Maing.

  • S35E06 OJ's Wild Ride: 20 Years After the Chase

    • June 10, 2014
    • CNN

    A look back on the 20th anniversary of the Nicole Brown Simpson/Ron Goldman murders and the infamous white Ford Bronco with O.J. Simpson in the backseat chase; Kyra Phillips speaks to lead detective Tom Lange, Nicole's sister Denise, and Ron Goldman's family as they reflect on these tragic events.

  • S35E07 Double Agent: Inside Al-Qaeda for the CIA

    • September 16, 2014
    • CNN

    An extraordinary spy story tells of double agent Morten Storm, who was a boxer, biker and family man; he became a committed jihadist who really worked for U.S., British, and Danish intelligence agencies.

Season 36

  • S36E01 No Laughing Matter: Inside the Cosby Allegations

    • February 25, 2015
    • CNN

    A story with no joy attached that began as one stand-up comic called out Bill Cosby, America's favorite dad, as a rapist, to several decades' worth of dark allegations ignited by dozens of women accusing Cosby of a pattern of drugging and rape. For nine years, Bill Cosby has been accused of sexual assault, but he has said the stories are untrue and has never been prosecuted. Model Beverly Johnson says Bill Cosby’s reputation was a secret in Hollywood for decades, one she wished she knew when he allegedly drugged her in the 1980s.

  • S36E02 Witnessed: The Assassination of Malcolm X

    • February 17, 2015
    • CNN

    People who were in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem 50 years ago when Malcolm X was assassinated tell their story of the events surrounding that day.

  • S36E03 The 500 Million Dollar Question: Who Pulled off the Greatest Art Heist in Boston’s History?

    • March 17, 2015
    • CNN

    Investigators continue their quest for answers at Boston’s Isabella Gardner Museum, the site of history’s largest art heist.

  • S36E04 Murder in Mexico: What Happened at Falcon Lake

    • March 22, 2015
    • CNN

    Investigating the case of American oil services worker David Hartley who was murdered at Falcon Lake in Mexico.

  • S36E05 Atheists: Inside the World of Non-Believers

    • March 24, 2015
    • CNN

    The show takes a look at the lives of atheists.

  • S36E06 Blowout: The Gulf Oil Disaster

    • April 14, 2015
    • CNN

    Could the worst oil disaster in US history happen again?

  • S36E07 David Letterman Says Goodnight

    • May 22, 2015
    • CNN

    Tribute to the talk show great who has conquered the late night comedy television scene since his debut in 1982; David Letterman prepares for his final show.

  • S36E08 The Great Prison Escape

    • June 23, 2015
    • CNN

    In Upstate New York, two convicted murderes, Richard Matt and David Sweat, made a brazen escape from prison and continue to evade a massive manhunt. CNN's Randi Kaye investigates the bold New York prison escape.

  • S36E09 The DC Mansion Murders

    • June 26, 2015
    • CNN

    CNN's Pam Brown goes inside the gruesome DC Mansion murders.

  • S36E10 Married to a Murderer The Drew Peterson Story

    • July 1, 2015
    • CNN

  • S36E11 Two Military Centers In Chattanooga Attacked

    • July 16, 2015
    • CNN

  • S36E12 Children for Sale: The Fight to End Human Trafficking

    • July 21, 2015
    • CNN

    Jada Pinkett Smith and CNN shed new light on the problem of human trafficking in America.

  • S36E13 The Great Prison Escape II

    • July 28, 2015
    • CNN

    CNN investigates the New York Prison Escape. How did the escapees plan their bold breakout?

  • S36E14 A Miner Miracle: Five Years After the Chilean Rescue

    • August 4, 2015
    • CNN

    Five years after the collapse of the San Jose gold and COPPER mine that trapped 33 miners for 69 days, CNN correspondent Rosa Flores travels to Chile to speak with three of the miners. She also speaks with the drillers who worked around the clock on their improbable and miraculous rescue. The hour-long CNN Special Report, A Miner Miracle: Five Years After the Chilean Rescue airs tonight, August 4, at 9pmET/PT on CNN and via CNNgo. Jorge Galleguillos can't shake the tragedy from his mind. He was one of the 33 men trapped a half-mile beneath the hard rock of Chile's Atacama Desert. He remembers praying to live while preparing to die. Finally, a small drill broke through to the men, allowing them to send an astounding message: 'All 33 of us are alive.' Their 69 days underground and their triumphant rescue stunned the world who watched it live on television. The men became globe-trotting celebrities with multiple movie and book offers; however, five years later, Galleguillos and most of the miners still live very humble and difficult lives. Many of the men battle demons and have trouble keeping steady work. And no one was ever held accountable for the collapse of the San Jose gold and COPPER mine. During the CNN Special Report, Flores interviews former Chilean President Sebastian Pinera, whose optimism for their rescue rallied a nation and the world. She also speaks with Jeff Hart, the drilling expert who successfully carved a tunnel through the earth and helped save the 33 courageous men.

  • S36E15 San Francisco Shaken: 25 Years Since the Quake

    • August 6, 2015
    • CNN

    On the evening of October 17, 1989 — as the first pitch was about to be thrown in the third game of the World Series — disaster struck as the world watched live. It was the most powerful earthquake the Bay Area had seen since the one that devastated San Francisco in 1906. In a CNN Special Report San Francisco Shaken: 25 Years Since the Quake, CNN’s Randi Kaye reports on the aftershocks – of the emotional kind – that can still be felt decades later.

  • S36E16 Murder on Cape Cod: Who Shot Shirley Reine

    • September 2, 2015
    • CNN

    It's been more than 10 years since Shirley Reine was found dead in her Falmouth, Massachusetts, home. She had been shot just days before she was going to face her stepsons, Todd and Melvin Jr., in court over who would control the family's lucrative trash-hauling business. Shirley came from a family that was no stranger to law enforcement. Her husband, Melvin, who died in 2013, was a convicted arsonist who was suspected, although never charged, in a number of other serious crimes. John Rams Jr., a Wareham resident with a lengthy criminal record, went on trial for Shirley's killing and was acquitted in 2014. Rams told CNN's Randi Kaye that Todd Reine had asked him to kill Shirley and he declined. Todd Reine has not spoken publicly about Shirley Reine's death, and the Reine brothers have never faced any charges in connection with the killing. A CNN special report, "Murder on Cape Cod: Who Shot Shirley Reine?," explores this murder mystery and the legacy of the Reine family.

  • S36E17 Downward Spiral: Inside the Case Against Aaron Hernandez

    • January 30, 2015
    • CNN

    More than 18 months ago, the body of Odin Lloyd was found in an industrial park in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. Lloyd had been shot seven times near a pile of construction waste. The semipro football player for the Boston Bandits was 27. Days after he was found dead, then-NFL star Aaron Hernandez was arrested and charged with murder. Testimony in the case against Hernandez began this week. Hernandez also faces murder charges in a 2012 double homicide. He has pleaded not guilty. The charges mark the latest turn in Hernandez's downward spiral. Just two years ago, he was one of the NFL's most promising tight ends, inking a $40-million contract extension with the New England Patriots. Friends and fans alike wonder: How could the star player who had more than 900 receiving yards in 2011 now be on trial for murder?

  • S36E18 Long Road to Hell: America in Iraq

    • October 26, 2015
    • CNN

    CNN's Fareed Zakaria looks for answers to who is responsible for the chaos in Iraq. Providing new insights and commentary are: former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, former Presidential Envoy to Iraq Paul Bremer, president of the Council on Foreign Relations Richard Haass, Gen. David Petraeus (ret.), former Undersecretary for Defense Douglas Feith, former Counterterrorism Czar Richard Clarke, and former U.S. diplomat Peter Galbraith.

  • S36E19 Bush vs. Gore: The Endless Election

    • November 2, 2015
    • CNN

    The 2000 election, the most controversial in history, is revisited with testimony from key players who helped decide the outcome after botched results.

  • S36E20 #Being13: Inside the Secret World of Teens

    • October 5, 2015
    • CNN

    Anderson Cooper investigates the secretive lives of teenagers engrossed in social media.

  • S36E21 Face of Evil: The Charles Manson Murders

    • August 18, 2015
    • CNN

    CNN revisits the vicious, horrific killings by Charles Manson's followers, 45 years later.

  • S36E22 OJ's Wild Ride: 20 Years After the Chase

    • January 24, 2015
    • CNN

    A look back on the 20th anniversary of the Nicole Brown Simpson/Ron Goldman murders and the infamous white Ford Bronco with O.J. Simpson in the backseat chase; Kyra Phillips speaks to lead detective Tom Lange, Nicole's sister Denise, and Ron Goldman's family as they reflect on these tragic events.

  • S36E23 Voices of Auschwitz

    • January 27, 2015
    • CNN

    This one-hour special report, airing on the 70th anniversary of the camp’s liberation, will look back at the atrocities committed at Auschwitz through the eyes of those imprisoned there more than 70 years ago. In addition to Eva Kor, three other survivors tell their stories of torture, loss, hopelessness and, finally, liberation and survival.

  • S36E24 Blindsided: How ISIS Shook the World

    • November 28, 2015
    • CNN

    The origins of the terror group known as Islamic State or ‘ISIS,’ and what they want, are explored by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria.

  • S36E25 Voices of Auschwitz

    • January 27, 2015
    • CNN

    Eva Kor arrived at Auschwitz with her mother and twin sister in 1944, when she was just 10-years old. That day on the selection platform was the last time she would ever see her mother again. Eva’s mother was sent directly to the gas chamber. For the next nine months, Eva and her sister Miriam were housed in a rat-infested bunk with 300 other children and subjected to medical experiments daily. Despite the daily torture, Eva was determined to survive, telling CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “I was not going to perish here in Auschwitz.” When liberation finally came on January 27, 1945, Eva and Miriam were at the front of the line as the children were led out of Auschwitz.

Season 37

  • S37E05 We Got Him: Obama, Bin Laden, and the War on Terror

    • February 5, 2016
    • CNN

    On Monday, May 2nd, on the fifth anniversary of the death of Osama bin Laden, CNN’s Peter Bergen sits down with President Barack Obama to talk about the bin Laden raid and the state of the war on terror five years later.

  • S37E11 War in Space: The Next Battlefield

    • November 29, 2016
    • CNN

    The one-hour documentary explores the belief by many in the military and civilian experts that war in space is inevitable. The American way of life depends on satellites in space, such as daily commutes, to withdrawing money from a bank, to the soldiers and intelligence agencies defending the U.S. abroad and at home. U.S. adversaries, like China and Russia, are pushing an arms race in space, taking aim at America with a dizzying array of weapons seemingly borrowed from science fiction, from lasers to kamikaze and kidnapper satellites.

  • S37E12 The Legacy of Barack Obama

    • December 7, 2016
    • CNN

    Zakaria examines the successes and failures of Obama’s presidency, looking at both his ambition and the way that led him to try to put new policies into place. Too often, Zakaria said in an interview, “we focus on the sensational and the daily scamper. What we are trying to do is ask what will this presidency look like when the history books are written?”

  • S37E13 Got Shorty: Inside the Chase for El Chapo

    • August 7, 2016
    • CNN

    A special look inside the life, pursuit and capture of alleged Mexican drug lord and alleged head of the Sinaloa Cartel criminal organization, Joaquin Guzman Loera, aka El Chapo.

  • S37E14 The Murder of JonBenet

    • December 13, 2016
    • CNN

    Exploring the theories, secrets and bombshells of the mysterious murder of JonBenet Ramsey; a rare interview with John Ramsey.

Season 38

  • S38E01 History Made: The Legacy of Michelle Obama

    • January 13, 2017
    • CNN

    CNN’s Randi Kaye looks back at Michelle Obama’s journey from the Southside of Chicago to the White House. The program explores the First Lady’s life from meeting the man who would eventually become the first African American President and finding her own voice in the White House, to raising her daughters and trying maintain normalcy while residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. How did Michelle Obama evolve? What is her legacy? And what does she have to say about the suggestion that she run for President?

  • S38E02 Ivanka Trump: First Daughter

    • January 16, 2017
    • CNN

    Spotlight on Ivanka Trump, her role as one of her father's most successful surrogates on the campaign trail, and the issues she's most passionate about as her father moves into the White House; Gloria Borger hosts.

  • S38E03 Before the Wall: A Journey on the Border

    • February 11, 2017
    • CNN

    An eye-opening journey along the U.S.-Mexico border, from South Texas to the Pacific Ocean.

  • S38E04 Melania Trump: The Making of a First Lady

    • March 10, 2017
    • CNN

    Friends and longtime Trump watchers give insight into Melania Trump's upbringing in Slovenia, her relationship with Donald Trump, and how she may shape the office of the First Lady.

  • S38E05 The Most Powerful Man in the World

    • March 12, 2017
    • CNN

    Fareed Zakaria searches to find the true nature of the relationship between President Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, and the implications of their relationship for the world.

  • S38E06 ISIS: Behind The mask

    • April 1, 2017
    • CNN

    In a new CNN documentary, meet one man from Europe who joins ISIS and then returns home.

  • S38E07 Return to Mosul

    • April 8, 2017
    • CNN

    Trapped by an ISIS firefight, CNN's Arwa Damon and Brice Laine took shelter with an ordinary Iraqi family in East Mosul. Two months after their escape, the pair returned to discover the fate of the soldiers and civilians they met, and to find out how the city and its people are recovering after years under ISIS control.

  • S38E08 Missing: Madeleine McCann

    • May 5, 2017
    • CNN

    10-years ago, 3-year-old Madeleine McCann disappeared. Could she still be alive? CNN's Randi Kaye investigates.

  • S38E09 White House in Crisis

    • May 19, 2017
    • CNN

  • S38E10 The Case Against Cosby

    • June 10, 2017
    • CNN

    CNN looks at the charges against Bill Cosby as his criminal trial begins.

  • S38E11 Saving the Twins

    • June 23, 2017
    • CNN

    Doctors at Montefiore Medical Center separated conjoined twins Jadon and Anias McDonald in 2016; CNN follows the twins through separation and recovery.

  • S38E12 The Russian Connection: Inside the Attack on Democracy

    • June 27, 2017
    • CNN

    Politicians and cyber experts reporting; Jim Sciutto and his team tell the story of Russia's hacking of the 2016 presidential election; from the very beginning to today.

  • S38E13 Pulse of Orlando: Terror at the Nightclub

    • June 30, 2017
    • CNN

    Anderson Cooper returns to the Pulse night club to help tell the stories of the people of Orlando; the battle to establish the legacy of the attack from agony to triumph.

  • S38E14 Why Trump Won

    • August 7, 2017
    • CNN

    Fareed Zakaria examines how Donald Trump's life story, from a child in Queens to a wealthy business magnate who never quite fit in with the elite of New York City, helped him forge a powerful connection with Americans who felt left behind.

  • S38E15 Diana: Chasing a Fairytale

    • August 27, 2017
    • CNN

    Twenty years after Princess Diana died in a car crash, CNN's "Diana: Chasing A Fairytale" examines the events and circumstances surrounding her 1997 death.

Season 39

  • S39E01 Remembering Anthony Bourdain

    • June 12, 2018
    • CNN

    Remembering the life of Anthony Bourdain - Anthony Bourdain, the chef and gifted storyteller who took TV viewers around the world to explore culture, cuisine and the human condition for nearly two decades, has died at the age of 61.

  • S39E02 Presidents Under Fire: The History of Impeachment

    • December 2, 2018
    • CNN

    Impeachment was intended by the Framers as a remedy of last resort, a defense from the tyranny of the British Crown, designed by its former citizens. But since its first use more than 150 years ago, impeachment has become such a normalized partisan weapon, that it has been seriously threatened against the last four presidents, and during campaigns against candidates before they are even elected. CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, host of the global public affairs program Fareed Zakaria GPS, will trace the history of why and how Article II, Section IV of the U.S. Constitution has been used, and will explore why constitutional historians feel America’s democracy may not be strong enough to withstand an exercise of this extraordinary check on presidential powers.

  • S39E03 Dirty Water: Danger From the Tap

    • November 28, 2018
    • CNN

    It’s not just Flint, Michigan. Bad water is more widespread than you think. Aging infrastructure is leaving thousands of rural communities vulnerable to contamination with no fix in sight. CNN travels to two of them.

  • S39E04 The Curious Case of the Killer Clown

    • December 1, 2018
    • CNN

    This December will mark 40 years since police finally discovered and ended John Wayne Gacy Jr.’s murder spree, one of the worst serial killer cases on record in this country. CNN’s Jean Casarez reports that 40 years later the case remains open, because police are still trying to identify some of the victims.

  • S39E05 Democracy in Peril: The War on Voting Rights

    • November 2, 2018
    • CNN

    Examining what potential Supreme Court decisions regarding voter rights could mean for upcoming midterm elections and 2020.

Season 40

  • S40E01 Facebook at 15: It’s Complicated

    • February 10, 2019
    • CNN

    In a CNN special report Facebook at 15: It’s Complicated, CNN Business Senior Technology Correspondent Laurie Segall steps inside the walls of Facebook to sit down with the original architects of the platform that forever changed the world. Through exclusive interview footage and unprecedented access, CNN examines the company’s history and future, and the complications that come along with connecting the world.

  • S40E01 State of Hate: The Explosion of White Supremacy

    • June 30, 2019
    • CNN

    Fareed Zakaria traces the roots of the current white supremacy crisis in the United States and reports on how the number of hate groups has soared to a record number and hate crimes are up by double digits.

  • S40E02 The Trump Family Business

    • May 17, 2019
    • CNN

    As President Trump battles to keep his taxes and other financial documents away from the public eye, CNN’s Erin Burnett launches an investigation to answer the question: How does the President of the United States continue to make money? In this one-hour CNN Special Report, Burnett explores the many types of businesses the Trump Organization engages in and how the President’s continuing connections to his family empire raise many questions about his separate roles as President and the owner of a sprawling set of companies.

  • S40E03 Woman of Mystery: Melania Trump

    • June 14, 2019
    • CNN

    CNN’s White House Reporter Kate Bennett lands rare access inside the East Wing to explore who Melania Trump really is, through those who know her best. Melania relishes her privacy, but the First Lady’s relative absence from the public eye has led to very different narratives about who she is and what she does. With far fewer events, official trips and appearances than her predecessors, Melania has become an enigmatic member of her husband’s orbit – mysterious, controversial, and wary of the media.

  • S40E05 Hidden Workforce: Undocumented in America

    • July 12, 2019
    • CNN

    As the number of immigrants coming to the U.S. continues to rise and unemployment numbers reach record lows, CNN’s Ed Lavandera explores the lives of undocumented workers where they are feared and discriminated against most. The one-hour special exposes how undocumented immigrants are deeply woven into the fabric of American society, often in the most unlikely of places.

Season 41

  • S41E01 The Trial of William Jefferson Clinton

    • January 6, 2020
    • CNN

    As the nation prepares for the impeachment trial of President Trump, CNN takes a look back and inside the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. The trial was more surprising, dramatic, and eventful than most people remember. A fascinating look at the last trial of a President and what it could say about the one ahead.

  • S41E02 Royal Revolution: Harry and Meghan

    • January 19, 2020
    • CNN

    An updated look at Harry and Meghan's lives as they step back from their roles as senior members of the British Royal Family. Alisyn Camerota hosts.

  • S41E03 Inside the ER: The Incredible Fight Against Coronavirus

    • April 6, 2020
    • CNN

    CNN's Miguel Marquez takes viewers up close to the front lines of hospitals and emergency rooms as doctors, nurses and healthcare workers battle the coronavirus.

  • S41E04 The Road to Change: America's Climate Crisis

    • April 26, 2020
    • CNN

    During his journey into America's climate crisis, CNN's Bill Weir interviews the nation's top climate change experts and leaders including former vice president Al Gore, Gov. Gavin Newsom, and Greta Thunberg who help explain the wide-ranging threats communities will increasingly face as climate change continues unabated -- and more importantly, what is required to avoid the worst case scenario.

  • S41E05 The Pandemic & The President

    • May 4, 2020
    • CNN

    CNN's Jake Tapper lays out the timeline of how the Coronavirus spread across the globe and examines how President Trump reacted to the virus's developments as they occurred.

  • S41E06 China's Deadly Secret

    • May 25, 2020
    • CNN

    Did China hide the truth about Covid-19? Was there a cover-up? Fareed Zakaria follows the timeline of what China knew, and when - to get at the story behind China's deadly secret.

  • S41E07 Bats: The Mystery Behind Covid-19

    • June 15, 2020
    • CNN

    CNN's Anderson Cooper looks at the mysterious mammals and how human infringement on their territory may have contributed to the transmission of diseases bats carry to humans, including the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

  • S41E08 Trump & The Law: After Impeachment

    • June 29, 2020
    • CNN

    CNN's Jake Tapper examines President Trump's experiences with the legal system, before and during his presidency, as well as looking at President Trump's words and actions related to legal norms and the rule of law.

  • S41E09 Donald Trump’s Conspiracy Theories

    • July 20, 2020
    • CNN

    Donald Trump uses false conspiracy theories to damage perceived enemies, explain away poor polling numbers, or to cover up his own misdoings. In a new primetime special, Donald Trump’s Conspiracy Theories, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria explores why some people are vulnerable to believing Trump’s conspiracy theories, and whether the damage the president has done to American institutions and global standing can be undone after he someday leaves office.

  • S41E10 Count on Controversy: Inside the Electoral College

    • August 15, 2020
    • CNN

    Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election despite losing the popular vote by more than three million votes, could it happen again in 2020? CNN visits one of the most maligned, highly scrutinized and resilient government institutions of the past two hundred years, the Electoral College.

  • S41E11 Women Represented: The 100 Year Battle for Equality

    • August 22, 2020
    • CNN

    On the centennial anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment giving women the legal right to vote in the United States, CNN anchor Erin Burnett examines the current state of women's rights in America and the complex history of the suffrage movement.

  • S41E12 Fight for the White House: Donald Trump's Presidency

    • September 7, 2020
    • CNN

    CNN's Jake Tapper looks at President Trump's first term, the moments that standout and the issues that defined his presidency to date.

  • S41E13 Fight for the White House: Joe Biden's Long Journey

    • September 7, 2020
    • CNN

    CNN's Gloria Borger takes a look at Joe Biden's long journey to the 2020 election and his fight to become the 46th President of the United States.

  • S41E14 How the World Sees America

    • October 11, 2020
    • CNN

    After four years of a Donald Trump presidency, what is America's standing in the world? Fareed Zakaria examines whether America can regain the ground it has lost as the world's Superpower and who would stand with us in a moment of crisis.

  • S41E15 Divided We Stand: Inside America's Anger

    • October 24, 2020
    • CNN

    CNN's Randi Kaye travels throughout the battleground state of Florida, home to an aging population of transplants whose politics reflect just how divided the rest of the country is. Given everything at stake, their vote this year might change the course of the nation forever.

  • S41E16 Pandemic: How a Virus Changed the World in 1918

    • December 19, 2020
    • CNN

    In 1918, America was fighting 2 wars, with World War One overseas, and an even deadlier battle at home. It was the pandemic of 1918, known as the Spanish flu, and it was killing Americans quickly and in large numbers. Anderson Cooper, Dr. Anthony Fauci and others trace the evolution of this virus and look at lessons that should have been learned from back then.

Season 42

  • S42E01 The Trump Insurrection: 24 Hours That Shook America

    • January 10, 2021
    • CNN

    Wolf Blitzer anchors a special look exploring the origins and execution of the coup attempt Donald Trump inspired to prevent his successor from taking office.

  • S42E02 CNN Special Report: The Faces of the Trump Insurrection

    • January 16, 2021
    • CNN

    Looking back at the rioters at the capitol on January 6th, investigating who they are what spurred them on, and the consequences they face.

  • S42E03 CNN Special Report: Kamala Harris: Making History

    • January 17, 2021
    • CNN

    The CNN Special Report takes a closer look at the historic career of Kamala Harris, the first woman and the first Black American and South Asian American to be elected Vice President. Phillip examines Harris’ path to the Vice Presidency, including her barrier-breaking roles as U.S. Senator from California and California Attorney General. It reports untold details of her childhood, her upbringing in Berkeley, and the defining role her parents’ activism played in her life. Phillip speaks with Harris herself and conducts a rare joint interview with Harris and her husband Douglas Emhoff about what the next four years will mean for their family. Phillip also talks with close friends and colleagues, including U.S. Senators Cory Booker and Catherine Cortez Masto and her sister Maya Harris.

  • S42E04 Living History With Anderson Cooper, Doris Kearns Goodwin & Ken Burns

    • January 23, 2021
    • CNN

    Presidential historian Kearns Goodwin and documentary filmmaker Burns join Cooper to reflect on the historical significance of the last four years, and discuss the challenges facing the Biden administration.

  • S42E05 CNN Special Report: The King Of Talk: Remembering Larry King

    • January 23, 2021
    • CNN

    A look back on Larry King's life.

  • S42E06 CNN Special Report: Inside the QAnon Conspiracy

    • January 30, 2021
    • CNN

    Anderson Cooper anchors this hourlong look at QAnon, a conspiracy theory movement that exploded in popularity during the Donald Trump presidency. How did the movement start? What is its appeal? And why did it motivate some of its believers to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6? Cooper investigates those questions, as well as why the conspiracy group targeted Cooper himself. The hour will also include an interview with a former QAnon supporter, who opens up about what drew him to the movement and why he now disavows it.

  • S42E07 The Divided States of America: What is Tearing Us Apart?

    • January 31, 2021
    • CNN

    How the divide between Republicans and Democrats in America has become a national crisis - the role of extreme right-wing media, racial hatred, and the feelings of betrayal from millions of Americans who feel they've been left behind.

  • S42E08 The Cult of QAnon

    • February 26, 2021
    • CNN

    Anderson Cooper with an updated look into the origins and beliefs of the conspiracy group that is called QAnon. An interview with a QAnon believer, and the backstory of what QAnon is and how it rose so quickly.

  • S42E09 The Human Cost of Covid

    • March 20, 2021
    • CNN

    Dalton, Ga., is like many other American towns affected by COVID-19, as nearly one in seven have been infected by the virus.

  • S42E10 The Price We Paid: The Economic Cost of Covid

    • March 27, 2021
    • CNN

    By the end of April 2020, over 23 million Americans had lost their jobs; Ed Lavandera investigates the nation's unemployment insurance program when Americans need it the most.

  • S42E11 Covid War: The Pandemic Doctors Speak Out

    • March 28, 2021
    • CNN

    Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. Stephen Hahn and Dr. Robert Redfield discuss what went right and what went wrong with the nation's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • S42E12 The Truth About Vaccines

    • April 10, 2021
    • CNN

  • S42E13 A Radical Rebellion: The Transformation of the GOP

    • May 16, 2021
    • CNN

  • S42E14 Royal Revolution: Harry & Meghan

    • June 12, 2021
    • CNN

  • S42E15 Assault on Democracy: The Roots of Trump's Insurrection

    • June 20, 2021
    • CNN

  • S42E16 Eating Planet Earth: The Future of Your Food

    • July 23, 2021
    • CNN

  • S42E17 The 9/11 Classroom: Front Row to History

    • September 5, 2021
    • CNN

    Victor Blackwell documents the dramatic events of 9/11 through the eyes of the second grade students, their teacher, and the former White House aids who were in the classroom with President Bush, when he got word about the attack.

  • S42E18 America's Longest War: What Went Wrong in Afghanistan

    • September 12, 2021
    • CNN

    Twenty years after the initial invasion, CNN's Jake Tapper talks to top commanders who led U.S. troops into Afghanistan. The generals, no longer in uniform, speak candidly about the withdrawal, what went wrong, and whether it was worth it.

  • S42E19 The Origins of Covid-19: Searching for the Source

    • September 19, 2021
    • CNN

    Dr. Sanjay Gupta looks at the leading theories on COVID's origins and talks to scientists who have spent lifetimes studying viruses to uncover what people know about the origins of the disease that launched a global pandemic.

  • S42E20 Toxic: Britney Spears' Battle for Freedom

    • September 26, 2021
    • CNN

    Alisyn Camerota and Chloe Melas explore pop icon Britney Spears' battle to end her legal conservatorship through critical conversations around tabloid culture, mental health, and the treatment of women in the public eye.

  • S42E21 What Happened to Gabby?

    • October 15, 2021
    • CNN

    CNN provides a closer look on the nationwide quest for answers in the Gabby Petito homicide case and her fiancé, Brian Laundrie; Randi Kaye investigates.

  • S42E22 Stop the Vote: The Big Lie's Assault on Democracy

    • October 27, 2021
    • CNN

  • S42E23 Trumping Democracy: An American Coup

    • November 5, 2021
    • CNN

  • S42E24 China's Iron Fist: Xi Jinping and the Stakes for America

    • November 21, 2021
    • CNN

  • S42E25 White Power On Trial: Return To Charlottesville

    • December 5, 2021
    • CNN

  • S42E26 WEED 6: Marijuana and Autism

    • December 19, 2021
    • CNN

    Autism, ASD for Autism Spectrum Disorder, is by definition a wide array of behaviors. Whether mild or severe, two core symptoms are social communication challenges and restrictive or repetitive behaviors. In WEED 6: Marijuana and Autism, viewers will meet researchers, doctors, and families, some of whom are coming out publicly for the first time, and will see in real-time how life-changing the plant can be for them.

Season 43