One of the competitors, Inokuma Haruka, is drawing massive attention. She held the title of queen for four consecutive years (defeating Sakurazawa four consecutive times) until giving it up on maternity leave and has just returned. Ayase wins her first two matches, stopping for lunch and sleep. Nishimura notices she isn't as bold in taking cards as she was before. During the break, Arata asks Taichi for advice in starting a karuta club, but Taichi is bothered, as teams are something he has in common with Chihaya Arata does not, and walks away coldly.
Le tournoi de l’association Yoshino a débuté, et plus les tours passent, plus les adversaires se montrent coriaces. Beaucoup sont d’anciennes connaissances, mais pas tous…
출산 휴가에서 막 돌아온 새로운 강자 이노쿠마 6단은 대회장에서 아이에게 젖을 물리면서까지 카루타에 대한 열정을 멈추지 않는다. 수술에서 회복 후 출전한 치하야는 경기에선 승리하지만 오른손 컨디션을 좀처럼 되찾지 못하는 듯하고. 아라타가 카루타부를 만들려 한다는 사실을 알게 된 타이치는 복잡한 기분에 휩싸인다.
Está acontecendo o Campeonato Yoshino, exclusivo apenas para classe A e B. Chihaya e Mashima precisam se superar para poder seguir neste campeonato.