Chef Kevin searches for an elusive fruit, while his partner develops a mysterious condition; Chef Jade gradually loses his grip; the chefs are set loose in the kitchen with an entire goose to work with.
It's outsiders going against the locals in this head-to-head foraging match; Chef Laura must pivot and embrace unfamiliar ingredients, while Tushar grapples with disappointment, as well as power dynamics.
Chef Hanif emphasizes the traditional cuisine of his homeland, while the ultimate underdog, Chef Katie, won't let the wilderness best her; fishing has its risks and rewards, but rabbit allows both chefs to pull culinary magic from their hats.
The "Cowboy Chef" Mason encounters a foraged find that leads him into an unfortunate position; Chef Andrew debates the risk of using an unfamiliar ingredient that could cost him a shot at victory; local venison is the featured item of this cook-off.
Hunting for wild ingredients gets difficult after winter snows blanket the woods; Chefs Tracy and Luca adapt by contemplating a daring strategy to uncover ingredients hidden in the frozen landscape; spot prawn is the three-course centerpiece.
In this battle between friends, Chefs Evan and Cam face off for personal bragging rights; Cam searches both day and night for his wish list ingredients, while Evan risks it all with a technically challenging dessert; wild salmon is the main feature.