信じるか、疑うか。逃がすか、拘束するか―― 。葛藤する裕司(勇輝)。
超人氣日劇《太太,請小心輕放》強勢進擊大銀幕!神級特工菜美(綾瀨遙 飾)意外失憶,被臥底特警勇輝(西島秀俊 飾)假以丈夫之名進行秘密監視。勇輝奉命帶菜美到鄉郊生活,暗中調查一宗國家級罪案。隨著菜美的回憶逐漸覺醒,夫妻倆竟同時收到上級指派的終極任務 ── 消滅對方!面對鋪天蓋地的圍攻,史上最強夫妻檔最終會互相廝殺,還是聯手化解危機?
At the end of the TV series of the same name, it is revealed that the husband works for the Public Security Bureau, and their marriage is a cover to keep her under surveillance. In spite of his mission, he falls in love with Nami and tries to convince her not to get involved in other people’s affairs. She is being monitored as a state-level security risk, and the bureau is unwilling to tolerate any more trouble from her. However, to save a friend, Nami runs out of the house and risks everything she has to confront the enemy. When she comes home, she finds her husband pointing a gun at her! A gunshot echoes through the quiet, upscale neighborhood…The movie picks up where the controversial ending of the drama series left off!!