Cat tries to get Shriek and Dog married so the Greasers will stop pounding him. Then, he dreams about there life together, and sees how bad it would be. When he wakes up, the beginning of his dream comes into play, he makes Dog say bad things about her. The catch? Dog says that the insults were from Cat.
Winslow verrät Cat ein brisantes Geheimnis: Shriek von der Greaser Gang ist heimlich in Dog verknallt. Der Kater wittert sofort die Chance auf diese Art endlich die Krawallbrüder loszuwerden und schreibt in Dogs Namen Shriek einen Liebesbrief.
Tito le cuenta a Gato un secreto que Shriek está enamorada de Perro. Gato ve una oportunidad para tener de su lado a Los Grasosos