An old friend of Yuri and Hakari returns from training. Her intentions will force Yuri to confront her feelings about Godou and raise trouble for Erica and Liliana. Meanwhile, Erica finally traps Godou into going on a date with her. However, Godou gets himself in some hot water due to being nervous, his inability to understand the feelings of women in general, and his lack of planning ahead. The date is interrupted by a girl who is falling for Godou which results in Godou being "stolen" and Erica displaying how deep her feelings for him go. Meanwhile, Athena "drops in" on Shizuka at the Kusanagi home looking for Godou.
ナポリでの一件以来、「騎士の務め」と称して護堂の身辺にリリアナが加わり、日常はさらに大混乱! そんなある日、護堂の元に新たな押しかけ女房が登場。大剣を携えた少女・清秋院恵那は、「王様のお嫁入りに来た」とあっけらかんと語る。美少女に囲まれた現状を弁明するあまり、護堂はつい祐理たちを「ただの友達」と言い放ってしまう。 護堂の友達発言にショックを受け、祐理とリリアナはふさぎ込んでしまう。それに気づいたエリカは、護堂を強引にデートに連れ出した。そして彼らが向かった先には、ある人物が…。