While Liliana berates herself for her inaction, Perseus is about to finish off Godou when Athena intervenes. Perseus decides to step back after Athena reveals that Godou is more interesting to fight after he's been beaten. Liliana starts to show interest in Godou in various ways while they try to figure out how to counter Perseus' trump card. Athena offers the information, but Godou will have to owe her a favor since it'd be too boring if she just told them. Erica and the others find out what happened to Gotou but run into unexpected trouble in getting to him. Liliana struggles with her feelings along with what she'd have to do to give Godou her knowledge of Perseus. Perseus soon after sends them a message calling for a duel at a place he considers "suitable" for displaying his greatness to an audience.
ペルセウスに敗れた護堂を救ったのは、護堂を自分の獲物と認めたアテナ。彼女の介入でペルセウスは剣を収めるが、傷が癒えた際の再戦を告げるのであった。 死の淵から甦った護堂を迎えたのは、青銅黒十字の支部で彼を介護するリリアナだった。リリアナの付き人・カレンはライバルのエリカを出し抜くため、護堂を籠絡するよう主に進言。そんなカレンの口車に乗ってしまうリリアナだったが、恋愛に慣れない彼女は空回りするばかり…。そこにアテナが再び現れる。彼女は護堂に、ペルセウス攻略の鍵をほのめかすが…?