Statt voller Hütte, leere Ränge wegen Corona. Julian Brandt und Mahmoud Dahoud kämpfen um das letzte Prozent zwischen gut und sehr gut sowie einen Platz in der Startelf. Die hohe sportliche sowie mentaler Belastung derzeit birgt die Gefahr, daran zu verzweifeln. Wie lassen sich Spieler auf das Spiel mit der eigenen Schwäche ein?
The second episode shows how Mahmoud Dahoud and Julian Brandt fight for playing time and a place in the starting eleven in a strong squad. "It's not like I sit in the meeting and say, 'Great, I'm not playing again'. Of course that annoys me. It's normal, it's the same with every player," says midfielder Julian Brandt, who also reveals: "I'm tempted to do things on the pitch that others would take the safe way out of. I do not like that."
Borussia Dortmund's sports psychologist Philipp Laux also has his say: "You sometimes forget that the boys are also people - with body and soul, with heart - not the cool ones who say: 'I don't care what happens around me, I always call my performance off'". A lot is also about people. It is important for the players to accept that soccer is a mistake. "It takes a radical acceptance that mistakes are part of this business. It's just a question of how to deal with the mistake.'"