Teratsuki Kyouichirou and a pregnant woman sit drinking in a bar, and he offers her money if she keeps the child, even though she does not know who the father is. Some time later she gives birth to Makoto Hashizaka and she is shown to be the same woman waiting in the queue earlier with her son. Later, Sakiko a girl trapped in the Moon Temple meets her dead school friend Hina along a railway line and apologises for offending her years ago. Habara Kentarou meets Nagi Kirima in a café who warn him about his computer hacking activities. However, Habara realizes that it is an illusion and that they are still in the Moon Temple. Habara wakes himself up and finds that everyone in the temple is unconscious, all having their own dreams influenced by the King of Distortion which he suspects is part of Teratsuki's original plan.
Os visitantes da Torre da Lua estão presos dentro de seus próprios sonhos, enfrentando fantasmas do passado - tudo graças aos poderes misteriosos do Rei da Distorção. Mas alguns deles começam a escapar desse pesadelo.
Veremos algunas de las interacciones que el Rey de la Distorsión está teniendo con determinadas personas. Y parece que aparecen pistas para conocer la identidad de este personaje.
Der Verwandlungskönig hält weiter die Fäden in der Hand und bringt die dunklen Geheimnisse derer, die im Mondtempel eingeschlossen sind, ans Licht.