Suema Kazuko finds out that Kinukawa Kotoe's attitude has changed ever since she had requested Suema to help her with Asukai Jin. Suema can't help but feel that there's something deeper at play with Kotoe's sudden attitude change, and she goes to visit Asukai to see if she can find out the truth. Suema asks him if he's sure he doesn't know the reason that Kotoe changed, but Asukai just changes the subject and starts talking about his own personal goals.
아스카이 진에 대해 고민을 털어놓았던 키누카와 코토에가 최근에 갑자기 변해버린 것을 알게 된 스에마. 코토에와 직접 만났을 때 받은 인상도 있고, 앞뒤가 맞지 않다고 느낀 스에마는 진과 얘기를 나누기 위해 학원에 찾아가는데.
Asukai Jin revela seu plano - e suas motivações - para querer mudar o mundo inteiro, enquanto Masaki corre risco de morte sob a mira de Spooky E.
Mientras Masaki sigue ejerciendo de Boogiepop descubre que Orihata podría estar en más apuros de los que cree y a él comienzan a darle caza. Por otro lado, Imaginator decide que es hora de enfrentar a su enemigo jurado.
Suema stellt fest, dass sich Kotoe merkwürdig verhält, und bittet Jin um Hilfe. Später rechnet Jin in der Zentrale mit Spooky-E ab.