Der einflussreiche Vampir Staz trifft in der Dämonenwelt auf die menschliche Fuyumi. Durch ein Missgeschick fällt sie einer fleischfressenden Pflanze zum Opfer und wandelt anschließend als Geist durch die Welt von Staz. Der will sich mit diesem Schicksal nicht abfinden und sie wiederbeleben. Außerdem fasziniert ihn der Gedanke, Fuyumis Welt der Menschen selbst zu sehen.
In another dimension, vampire and boss of the Demon World's Eastern District, Staz Charlie Blood lives as a normal otaku. Staz's second-in-command, Deck, informs him of their capture of a living human girl, Fuyumi Yanagi and brings her over to Staz's apartment. Upon meeting Fuyumi, Staz becomes infatuated and engages her in an otaku discussion. Meanwhile, Deck and the other gang members get into a fight with a challenger to Staz's leadership who wields demon plants. Deck calls Staz for help, who aids them after suppressing his vampiric urges from Fuyumi. Staz easily kills the challenger and when he and Deck return to the apartment they horrifically discover that Fuyumi had been killed by one of the rogue demon plants. After finding her bones and strangely enough, Fuyumi herself on Staz's bed, Deck deduces that she became a ghost and Starz resolves to resurrect her. Fuyumi later remembers how she stumbled into the Demon World and takes Staz to a back alley where they discover a rare dimensional portal known as the "Black Curtain". Staz stops Fuyumi from entering the portal, explaining its strange nature, before expressing a desire to visit the Human World himself. Staz then takes Fuyumi to a local cafe where he has the owners, Saty and Mame, determine the nature of her existence via their "Third Eye" magic. As Staz reveals his intention of going to the human world to a panicked Mame, Deck enters with a new gang recruit, Mimic Yoshida. Mame outlines the repercussions of Staz's departure but he compensates by making Mimic the new boss; who subsequently transforms into Staz's own likeness and they decide to use him as a body double in Staz's absence. Afterwards, at a welcoming party for Mimic, Fuyumi wonders if Staz can really resurrect her but Deck reassures that Staz sees his goals through.
In the epilogue, Staz and Fuyumi step through the Black Curtain.
O influente vampiro Staz encontra a humano Fuyumi no mundo dos demônios. Ele também é fascinado pelo pensamento de ver o mundo humano de Fuyumi.
En otra dimensión, vampiro y el jefe del Distrito Este del mundo y sus demonios, Staz Charlie Blood vive como una normal de otaku . Staz del segundo al mando, Deku, le informa de su captura de una niña humano vivo, Fuyumi Yanagi, y la lleva al apartamento de staz. Al encontrarse con Fuyumi, Staz se encapricha y su involucra en una discusión otaku.
O influente vampiro Staz encontra a humano Fuyumi no mundo dos demônios. Ele também é fascinado pelo pensamento de ver o mundo humano de Fuyumi...
Влиятельный вампир Стас встречает человека Фуюми в мире демонов. В результате несчастного случая она становится жертвой хищного растения и впоследствии бродит по миру Стаза в образе призрака. Он не хочет мириться с этой участью и воскрешать ее. Кроме того, его очаровывает сама мысль о том, чтобы увидеть мир людей Фуюми.