Saya und ihre Freunde werden in der Schule von einem Old One angegriffen. Ein verzweifelter und scheinbar aussichtsloser Kampf beginnt, der in einem schrecklichen Blutbad mündet, welches viele Opfer fordert.
Saya struggles to keep the Furukimono from killing more students as she becomes tormented with flashbacks. Although she eventually manages to kill the Furukimono, all of her classmates besides Itsuki had been killed. After lamenting to the dog, who poses more questions about her nature, and being visited by Shinichirō, Saya comes to the realisation that only her class had been called to school that day. As Shinichirō's attempt to confess to Saya is put off by the arrival of Tadayoshi, Saya questions why she doesn't know her mother's name.
68番:心にもあらで憂き夜に長らへば 恋しかるべき夜半の月かな(三条院)
Saya lucha contra el Bairn Elder araña mientras está inmovilizada por dolores de cabeza y flashbacks. A pesar de que mata el Viejo Bairn, cada uno a un lado de ella misma, Itsuki y Kanako han muerto. Al volver a casa y lamentando que el perro, que plantea más preguntas acerca de su naturaleza, que es visitado por Shinichiro, que no asistió a la escuela.