Lurichiyo`s group is attacked in the middle of the night by an assasin and it`s up to Ichigo to defeat him. After the death of the assasin everyone is told that Lurichiyo is the heir to one of The Four Noble Houses. That is why Komui, the one that is trying to take over Lurichiyo`s clan, is sending his best assasin`s after them.
Un misterioso trio si trasferisce nella classe di Ichigo. I loro nomi sono Rurichiyo Kasumiohji, Kenryu ed Enryu. Rurichiyo si comporta come una principessa mentre Kenryu ed Enryu sorvegliano ossessivamente l'ambiente circostante.
Un misterioso equipo de tres es transferido a la clase de Ichigo; sus nombres son: Rurichiyo Kasumiohji, Kenryu y Enryu. Ruri actúa como una princesa y los otros dos como sus guardiantes.
Lurichiyo's groep wordt midden in de nacht aangevallen door een huurmoordenaar en het is aan Ichigo om hem te verslaan.