Alois wurde beim Duell mit Ciel schwer verwundet. Er befürchtet außerdem, dass Claude auf den Geschmack von Ciels Seele gekommen ist. Deshalb will er noch mal zu Ciel. Auf dem Weg werden Erinnerungen wach...
Alois has survived the stabbing from the last episode, but still suffers from the horrible injury. When Alois refuses to let Hannah change his bandages, Claude comes in to do so. Alois asks Claude if he is enticed by the blood and Claude admits his desire to devour Alois and smiles for the first time, which disturbs Alois. Later, Alois interrupts Hannah as she is cleaning, crying on top of her and ordering her to take him to Ciel Phantomhive. In a separate room, Claude neatly folds a document into a ring after the triplet servants whisper something into his ear. The scene shifts to Hannah driving a carriage with a bleeding Alois inside. In his flashback, it appears Alois's real name is Jim McCain and the red-haired boy (shown in the first episode) is his little brother, Luca. Alois confesses to his younger brother that he wishes the villagers would die because of how they were treated after becoming orphans. Believing his brother has the power to accomplish such a thing, Luca declares, "Yes, Your Highness." That night, they discover all the inhabitants of the village are dead, which causes Alois to erupt in a delirious joy. Luca is initially happy with him, but seems concerned. Together, they raid the dead for their personal belongings. After a while, Alois feels a chill and decides it's time to leave. He goes on a search for his brother only to find him dead. He then screams with anguish saying that he doesn't want to be alone. Years later, Alois and some other boys are brought to Lord Trancy, a pedophile. After being rejected by Trancy, Alois overhears a method to summon a wish-granting fairy, but instead of a fairy, Alois encounters Claude, but is unable to think of a wish. Alois uses his sex appeal to win over Trancy, and presumably some time after that, he makes a contract with Claude. In the present, the carriage crashes and Grell arrives to take Alois' soul. Alois starts crawling away as Hannah fends off Grell. More flashbacks of encounters between Alois and
Dans une série de flashbacks, Alois se remémore la nuit où il a rencontré Claude. Mais tandis que leur histoire est dévoilée, une alliance diabolique se forme.
Алоис просыпается после дуэли. Ханна хочет сменить повязку на ране, но мальчик её прогоняет и зовет Клода. Дворецкий занимается перевязкой. Спустя некоторое время, все еще раненый Алоис находит Ханну и приказывает ей отвезти его к Сиэлю. По дороге в поместье Фантомхайв Транси вспоминает свое прошлое. Но вдруг на пути появляется жнец Грелль, переворачивающий карету и сообщающий, что Транси должен умереть. Мальчик приказывает Ханне убить жнеца. Служанка вступает в бой, но проигрывает. Алоис с трудом добирается до ближайшего дерева, чтобы отдохнуть. Но тут на запах крови приходит волк и нападает на графа Транси. Его спасает появившийся Клод. Алоис рад его появлению, но Фаустус хладнокровно лишает графа жизни.
Alois ha sobrevivido al apuñalamiento del último episodio, pero aún sufre la horrible herida. Cuando Alois se niega a dejar que Hannah le cambie las vendas, Claude entra para hacerlo. Alois le pregunta a Claude si la sangre lo atrae y Claude admite su deseo de devorar a Alois y sonríe por primera vez, lo que perturba a Alois. Más tarde, Alois interrumpe a Hannah mientras limpia, llora encima de ella y le ordena que lo lleve con Ciel Phantomhive. En una habitación separada, Claude dobla cuidadosamente un documento en un anillo después de que los criados trillizos le susurran algo al oído. La escena cambia a Hannah conduciendo un carruaje con un Alois sangrando adentro. En su flashback, parece que el verdadero nombre de Alois es Jim McCain y el niño pelirrojo (que se muestra en el primer episodio) es su hermano pequeño, Luca.