Rentaro versammelt sein Team in der Nähe der erwarteten Durchbruchsstelle. Plötzliche tauchen unerwartete Gäste auf und es kommt zu Spannungen unter den Agenten.
During a visit to Sumire's laboratory, Tina suggests leaving the Tendo Agency since Rand's pursuit of her may endanger the others, however Rentaro stops her. Afterwards, using Rentaro's increased security privileges, Sumire shows him classified information she unearthed on the Gastrea War which was thought to have been destroyed. However data on an event at Nanahoshi Village and the Gastrea War Outbreak remain locked until they gain higher security clearance. At the same time, the Monolith's degradation finally reaches the public eye and Seitenshi calls a press conference to appease the public's unrest. Rentaro and Enju later try looking for more squad members at the adjuvant encampment and discover a suspiciously murdered Promoter. Rentaro then reunites with, and recruits his longtime friend, Promoter Shoma Nagisawa and his Initiator, Midori Fuse. Kisara later shows up and along with Tina, also join Rentaro's squad much to the latter's protest. Afterwards Commander Nagamasa Gedo rallies the camp and explains their strategy to support the JASDF. However Rentaro upsets Nagamasa when he questions the plan and trust of the JASDF. Finally, Rentaro and his newly formed squad prepare themselves for the upcoming battle to defend the Tokyo Area.
Le docteur Muroto présente à Satomi des informations classifiées auxquelles il a maintenant accès grâce à son rang élevé. Mais l'urgence reste pour lui le recrutement de miliciens pour compléter son adjuvant.
Durante una visita al laboratorio Sumire mostra a Rentaro le informazioni riservate che ha portato alla luce sulla guerra contro i Gastrea che si pensava fossero state distrutte.
모노리스의 백화 현상이 시민들에게 발각되면서 도쿄 에어리어가 어수선해 진 상황 속에서, 동료를 채우기 위한 렌타로의 노력에도 함께할 동료를 찾기는 쉽지가 않다. 그러던 중 민경끼리의 싸움이 벌어지고. 달려간 곳엔 렌타로와 함께 텐도류를 연마했던 나기사와 쇼마가 서 있었다.
Rentaro y Kisara siguen ocupados en la formación del equipo para la batalla contra los Gastrea.