Take a road trip down the Blues Trail, and stop along the way to take in the music and the food that make up the unique flavor of the Mississippi Delta, from Memphis, TN to Jackson, MS. Andrew samples Southern standbys and riffs on old favorites, like "redneck ramen" made with noodles and pigs ears.
Andrew Zimmern visits Washington, DC, for Salvadoran favorites, food trucks that feed hordes of hungry federal workers, and takes a trip back into history to taste what our forefathers ate. Whether it's a blackened snakehead sandwich made in a boat on the Potomac, peanut butter paired with foie gras, or Scrapple at a neighborhood grill known for its soul food, DC is a place where historical favorites and new innovations come together to create a variety of unexpected tastes.
Denver may be a modern city, but Andrew finds out that you can still get a taste of the Wild West in the food! Whether it's deep fried Rocky Mountain oysters in a biker bar, pheasant cooked over an open flame, or ant larvae beignets in a fine restaurant, Denver is a goldmine of flavors from both yesterday and today!
Andrew Zimmern visits Northern California where people are reinventing sustainable living, like hunting doves, to developing strange new flavors for jelly beans, to training sheep to eat weeds at local vineyards, people in this part of the country have a unique way of looking at how to get the food they eat.
From raw pig's blood in Bali and ground pig snouts, ears and tongues in Cleveland, OH, to cured pig legs in Sardinia and pig face bacon in Los Angeles, Andrew Zimmern recaps his favorite porcine finds.
Andrew Zimmern looks back on all the times he's had to earn his food. Whether it's making kimchi on the factory line, harvesting clams right off the ocean floor or inseminating Alaskan salmon eggs, Andrew works for his food!
From the lost clips to behind-the-scene moments with the crew, Andrew Zimmern shares some of the footage that's never made it into any other Bizarre Foods episode. Mishaps, practical jokes and fantastic foods are all part of the fun!
Andrew Zimmern is back with another round of never-before-told-stories and behind-the-scene moments with the crew. From hot wings in Chicago to Muskrat pate in Detroit, Andrew reveals some of the foods that didn't make it into the show.
Mystery meat and fermented fish make the list as Andrew Zimmern looks back on the most challenging foods he's encountered. From putrid smells to gelatinous textures, Andrew admits to the foods that have been the hardest for him to swallow.
In his travels around the world, Andrew has learned that many cultures still cook like their cavemen ancestors. All it takes is a flame, a pile of wood and an animal, and you've got dinner.
Andrew looks back on some of the memorable raw foods he's eaten during his travels. From Elk heart to horse mane, Andrew has found that enjoying some of the freshest foods means there's No Cooking Required.
From meat and seafood to dairy, bread and snacks, how we get our food often depends on where we live. Straight from the sea or fresh from the udder, Andrew Zimmern gives us a taste of his global grocery experiences.
From skinning a muskrat in Maryland, Beaver chili in Maine and cooking up stir-fried rat in Thailand, Andrew's talking about, and tasting, all things critters. Hair, tails, and nails included.
Andrew Zimmern takes a look back at the foods that have sent his senses into overload, from those with a strong smell, strange taste or funky texture, to those that looked just plain weird or should never have been made in the first place!
Andrew Zimmern’s pursuit of a great meal often leads to danger. From poisonous foods to scary situations, Andrew looks back on the many times he put his life at risk in his quest to make a new food discovery.