Das Ryunka ist trotz aller Anstrengungen durch Shyamalan finsteren Plan nun endgültig erwacht. Während seiner Entwicklungsphasen gibt es lediglich nur noch eine Chance die Birdy bleibt, um die Welt vor dem Ryunka zu schützen, doch was wird Tsutomo tun? Die Lage verschärft sich immer mehr und am Ende wird das gegenseitige Vertrauen von Birdy und Tsutomo auf die Probe gestellt…
Birdy and Tsutomu head to the Lost Bird to figure out a way to purge the Ryunka out of Sayaka's body. The two were able to do so, at the cost of Tsutomu's own body when he sacrificed it to allow Birdy to kill him again and purge the Ryunka parasite out of his body with Nejula in charge of containing it. The Japanese government had covered up the events as the JGSDF had mobilized in Roppongi. Due to the events, Sayaka loses some of her memories including her encounters with Tsutomu. Birdy once again merges with Tsutomu until a new body can be readied. Meanwhile, Gomez and his boss Revi had a conversation about whether Birdy is a threat, with Gomez telling Revi to take some precautions against her.