Set in the fictional city of San Fransokyo, 14-year-old tech genius Hiro begins school as the new prodigy at San Fransokyo Institute of Technology and sets off to rebuild Baymax. However, his overconfidence and penchant for taking shortcuts leads him and the newly minted Big Hero 6 team – Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Go Go and Fred – into trouble.
In order to recruit child prodigy Rishi Patel, Professor Granville enlists Hiro to give him a tour of SFIT.
Krei goes missing in the old Sycorax building!
When Big Hero 6 find Mr. Sparkles working at the Pizza-Party-Torium, he tells them he's decided to leave the world of crime behind.
Noodle Burger Boy and the mascots abduct Fred.
Krei enlists Big Hero 6 to launch his new karaoke machine.
Hiro sees an opportunity to defeat the mascots when they decide to add a member to their family.