Following "Phoenix Rises", Nancy reunites with her family. While Cricket and Tilly are happy to see her, Bill and Gramma are concerned that she will be a bad influence on the kids. Cricket is bothered by being called a "good kid" by Nancy and decides to impress her by having him and Tilly release an orangutan from the zoo. Unfortunately, they end up releasing all the animals who run amok all over Big City and now must work together to get them back while avoiding the jovially staunch Officer Keys.
Nancy Green, a mãe rebelde de Cricket e Tilly, acaba de sair da cadeia e monta uma loja na cidade.
La madre ribelle di Cricket e Tilly, Nancy Green, esce di prigione e si stabilisce in città.
Bills Frau Nancy wird aus dem Gefängnis entlassen. Cricket und Tilly können ihr Glück kaum fassen: Endlich dürfen sie ihre Mutter wieder fest an sich drücken! Eine von Nancys ersten Taten besteht darin, Cricket und Tilly auf ihrem Motorrad mitfahren zu lassen. Prompt sorgen die drei dabei für jede Menge Wirbel in der Stadt.
La mère rebelle de Cricket et Tilly, Nancy Green, sort de prison et s'installe dans la ville.