Dylan se spojí s Kristýnou z FBI a chce, aby mu pomohla vypátrat Kevina, Susan a Eriku. Kristýna posílá Jonese, aby je vystopoval. Jsou vánoce. Walshovi jedou za Brendou a Valerie jede na prázdniny do Buffalo. Brandon zůstává s Kelly sám doma. Clare chce představit Davida otci. Andrea se s Jessem hádá kvůli náboženství. Donna dá Rayově matce k Vánocům zájezd. Felice nabídne Rayovi šek za to, že opustí Donnu.
Jim und Cindy fliegen nach London, um Weihnachten mit Brenda zu verbringen. Brandon will mit Kelly feiern. Doch sie schämt sich, ihm ihre Narben zu zeigen. Derweil bietet Felice Ray 10000 Dollar an, wenn er sich für immer von Donna fernhält. Zum Schein geht er darauf ein, doch er und Donna nutzen das Geld, um LuAnn eine Kreuzfahrt zu spendieren.
Jim and Cindy fly to London to spend Christmas with Brenda. Brandon stays in town with Kelly, who is reluctant to reveal her scars to him. Felice offers Ray $10,000 to stay away from Donna forever. Donna is mortified when Felice reveals that he accepted the check, but it turns out he only took it as evidence of her mother's scheming. Ray and Donna use the money to send LuAnn on a cruise, as this has always been her dream. Dylan seeks the FBI's help in tracking down Kevin and Suzanne in Brazil. Christine tells him that the agency is too busy to assist him. She puts him in touch with a strange man named Jonesy, who will help him out in exchange for half of the money. Andrea and Jesse quarrel when Hannah does not enjoy her first Christmas. He claims that Andrea is to blame for her crying, ignoring the fact that Hannah is six months old and teething. The gang saves the day when it arrives dressed as Santa's and elves, and Dylan meets Hannah for the first time. David feels slighted when Clare fails to tell her father the truth about their relationship. Music: 'Please Come Home for Christmas' by Jon Bon Jovi, 'Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree' by Brenda Lee.
Jesse et Andrea essaient de fêter leur premier Noël avec leur enfant mais finissent par se disputer. Les Walsh, partis à Londres, laissent Kelly et Brandon en tête à tête...
Dopo aver letto la richiesta di aiuto di Erica, Dylan assume J.J. Jones, un investigatore privato per ritrovare sia Erica che i suoi soldi. Felice non è contenta della relazione di Donna e Ray e prova a convincere il ragazzo a lasciare la figlia in cambio di 10.000 $. Kelly teme che le sue cicatrici possano disgustare Brandon. Andrea e Jesse portano la piccola Hannah alla messa di mezzanotte.
La snob madre de Donna, Felice, pone a prueba los sentimientos de Ray por su hija ofreciéndole dinero a cambio de que deje de verla, mientras que la alcohólica, fumadora compulsiva y cateta madre de Ray, LuAnn, se va con Donna a hacer compras de Navidad. Las diferentes tradiciones familiares causan tensión entre el católico Jesse y la judía Andrea. Clare le presenta a su padre a David durante una fiesta de Navidad de la facultad, y ambos descubren su común amor por la música. Mientras, Dylan acude a su vieja amiga del FBI, Christine Pettit, para que le ayude a encontrar su dinero robado. Incapaz de ayudar a Dylan, Christine contacta entonces con un antiguo agente del FBI reconvertido en un cazafortunas llamado Jay J. Jones, quien le ofrece a Dylan buscar su dinero a cambio de compartirlo.