Dan se odstěhoval z koleje a místo něj tam přichází Kathy. D’Shawn se začíná učit. David bere od Howarda drogy a je na nich už závislý. Steve zjistí, že dal John tip policii, když se měl vloupat do Randallova kabinetu a v klubu se rozhoduje, jestli odejde Steve nebo John. Dylan chce pomoci se Suzanne postavit na nohy a půjčit jí peníze. Jim Walsh chce, aby si jí mohl nejdřív prověřit.
David schafft die Doppelbelastung von Uni und Radio zunehmend nur noch mit Aufputschmitteln. Darunter hat vor allem Donna zu leiden. Unterdessen kommt es zwischen Steve und seinem Widersacher John Sears zum Showdown: Eine Abstimmung soll klären, wer aus der Verbindung fliegt. Und Dylan wird langsam misstrauisch gegen seinen unerwarteten Familienzuwachs, als seine angebliche Stiefmutter die Frage nach ihrer Sozialversicherungsnummer abblockt.
The fraternity ostracizes Steve because many people believe that he escaped punishment for the break-in by squealing on others. John refuses to allow Steve any playing time on the intramural volleyball team. Steve becomes fed up and accuses John of tipping off the cops. The KEG house holds a ceremony to decide which of the two should be ousted from the house. John arrogantly confesses to his friend Keith, who sides with Steve. This gives the remaining members the courage to vote against John. Dylan bonds with Erica during a trip to Magic Mountain and offers to loan Suzanne money to get her back on her feet. He offends Suzanne when he follows Jim's advice and asks for her social security number. They apologize for the misunderstanding, and Erica secretly gets Dylan the information. D'Shawn begins to pay attention to his studies after a lecture from his sister. He tears up his knee in his first game, but passes his sociology final without assistance. David acts like a jerk around Donna and Kelly, and begins taking crystal meth to get through his finals and radio show. Andrea gets a new resident advisor after Dan moves out. Donna tries to get David back, even going so far as to offer to sleep with him, but he refuses her. Music: 'Can We Talk' by Tevin Campbell, 'Living in a Fantasy' by the Rainbow Band.
C'est la semaine des examens à l'université de Los Angeles. David a des difficultés à réviser. Il ne va pas aux cours et a rompu avec Donna. La nuit, il travaille comme animateur de radio...
È la settimana degli esami e Brenda studia moltissimo. Dopo aver portato Erica sulle montagne russe, Dylan presta a Suzanne 5.000 dollari ma la donna si rifiuta di dare il suo numero di previdenza sociale a Jim per un controllo. David comincia a prendere droga per riuscire a studiare e condurre la trasmissione alla radio ma Kelly diventa sospettosa. In seguito ad una votazione, la confraternita decide di espellere Sears e di tenere Steve. Grazie a Brandon il Prof. Randall fa cadere le accuse contro Steve. Brandon scopre che D'Shawn si è fatto male durante una partita ma che è riuscito da solo a superare l'esame di sociologia. Dan Rubin si trasferisce dal dormitorio di Andrea. Per riconquistare David, Donna gli chiede di fare l'amore ma il ragazzo la rifiuta.
La fraternidad condena al ostracismo a Steve porque muchas personas no le creen. Dylan coge mucha confianza con Erica y se ofrece a prestarle dinero a Suzanne. David actúa cruelmente con Donna y con Kelly como consecuencia de su adicción a las drogas. Andrea tiene un consejero nuevo puesto que Dan ha dejado el puesto.