Brandon, Steve, David, Dylan, Donna a Brenda hrají v noci v plážovém klubu tajně poker. Dylan nemá peníze a je nucen dát do zastavárny své věci. Někdo vykradne v noci plážový klub a Brandon začne podezírat Dylana. Pravý pachatel je odhalen a Dylan očištěn. Dylan odjíždí za svou matkou na Havaj.
Steve, David und Brandon spielen mit ein paar Freunden nachts im Club Poker. Donna und Brenda mimen ihre Zockerbräute. David gewinnt 400 $ und Dylan verliert all sein Geld. Als in der selben Nacht im Beach Club eingebrochen wird, wird Dylan verdächtigt, da die Detektivin hinter den unerlaubten "Ross Weener-Gedächtnis"-Pokerabend kommt.
Sogar Brandon beginnt, an seinem Freund zu zweifeln. Ausgerechnet Jim Walsh ergreift Partei für den Jungen. Dylan packt sein Zeug, um in Hawaii seine Mutter aufzusuchen.
Jim encourages Dylan to get in touch with his mother, but Dylan is too proud to ask her for financial help. Brandon, David, Steve and some friends hold an after-hours poker game at the beach club. Dylan joins them, and is furious when he loses a lot of money. The club suffers a break-in, and Brandon's boss is questioned because of a past (unjust) robbery conviction. In spite of Steve's objections, Brandon comes to Henry's defense by telling the police about the poker game. Dylan becomes the prime suspect after electronic equipment is found in his car. Brenda and her parents stand behind him, but Brandon becomes suspicious after finding pawn shop tickets. He wonders how cash-poor Dylan was able to afford a plane ticket to Hawaii. Dylan reveals that he has been forced to pawn his belongings from the family storage locker. He had finally called his mother, who paid for his ticket. The laundry service turns out to be the culprit. Dylan flies to Hawaii to visit his mother. Brenda suffers a severe sunburn when she falls asleep while trying to get a tan. Music: 'What I Like About You' by the Romantics.
Steve ja Brandon järjestävät pokeripeli-iltoja klubilla, mutta ikävä murtovarkaus pilaa suunnitelmat. Syyttävä sormi osoittaa Dylania. Brendan ja Donnan yritys saada täydellinen rusketus menee myös pieleen.
Dylan se trouve toujours chez les Walsh. Il a de gros soucis financiers. Au Club, la bande organise une partie de poker à laquelle se joint Dylan...
Steve, Brandon, Paul, Danny e David fanno una partita a carte giocandosi dei soldi mentre Brenda e Donna sono semplici spettatrici. David vince molto mentre Dylan perde tutto e per questo viene poi sospettato di aver rubato al Beach Club. Brenda si ustiona per aver preso troppo sole.
Steve, Brandon, Paul, Danny, y David juegan unas partidas a las cartas jugándose dinero, Brenda y Donna son solo meras espectadoras. David resulta ser el gran ganador, y Dylan termina perdiendo todo su dinero. Dylan será después acusado de robar en el club de la playa, también irá a Hawaii a ver a su madre. Como consecuencia de tomar demasiado el sol Brenda se quema.