As Sen heads towards a store alone, Ayame learns about how Yū triumphed over the previous Monarch Butterfly, Matsuba, with Endo, her successor, wanting revenge on Yū's successor, Sen. As Ayame warns Yō about this, Sen, who had gotten severely beaten up by the Gabriel Retchetts, arrives at the Ralph Store to face against Endo. As Ren feels regret after hearing words of disappointment from Matsuba, the current God of Discounts, he tries to stop Endo but is knocked away. As the brawl begins, Yō and Ayame arrive and together they manage to defeat Endo. Afterwards, Ren follows Matsuba's advice and starts to live for himself. Meanwhile, Yū leaves the country to study overseas.
Como cabezas Sen hacia una tienda solo, Ayame aprende acerca de cómo Yū triunfó sobre el anterior mariposa monarca, Matsuba, con Endo, su sucesor, el deseo de venganza en el sucesor de Yu, el senador Como Ayame advierte YO acerca de esto, Sen, que había conseguido severamente golpeado por el Gabriel Retchetts, llega a la tienda Ralph a cara contra Endo.
Sen chiama a raccolta i wolves del territorio occidentale e decide di andare al Ralph Store per affrontare il Monarca. Ayame intanto riesce a scoprire qual è il suo vero obiettivo.