The band tries to improve the new song and Koyuki tries to write the lyrics, at Ryusuke's request. Saito tries to help Koyuki come up with some lyrics. Surprisingly for him, the lyrics written by Saito are much more well received than those he wrote himself, so much so Ryusuke rewords the song in English. The band later departs for the Greatful Sound grounds, where they will perform on the smallest of the three stages. Ryusuke reveals Sykes' conditions to Chiba and Taira: he will have the rights over the band's next releases, as well as the promotion over the band. Ryusuke also reveals that he, in turn, established one condition on his own: Sykes will have to leave the theft of Beck and Prudence, if the band gets the highest attendance of the festival.
Beck peut jouer pour le Grateful Sound. Pour cela, Beck doit avoir une nouvelle chanson, qui transcendera les foules. Koyuki travaille alors les paroles de sa dernière composition. Malheureusement, elles ne plaisent pas à Ryusûke. Koyuki prend alors les paroles que Saito a fait pour lui et Ryusûke est enchanter. Beck prend la route pour rejoindre le lieu du festival. Arrivé sur les lieux, Ryusûke raconte à Chiba et Taira quel marché il a fait avec Mr Sykes. Koyuki parle avec Yoshito : si Maho vient au concert de l'un, l'autre devra abandonner avec elle...
Koyuki è riuscito a scrivere un ottimo pezzo, anche se deve molto all'aiuto dello strambo signor Saito. Intanto la partecipazione al Greatful Sound dei BECK ha caricato tutti, anche Hiromi. La ragazza ha infatti deciso di andare al festival per vedere i BECK in concerto. E finalmente arriva il grande giorno: Ryusuke e compagni arrivano al Greatful Sound e, di nascosto a Koyuki e Saku, chiama a raccolta Chiba e Taira per dire loro una cosa molto importante...
La banda trata de mejorar la nueva canción y Koyuki intenta escribir las letras, a petición de Ryusuke. Saito trata de ayudar a Koyuki llegar a algunas letras. Sorprendentemente, para él, la letra escrita por Saito son mucho más bien recibidos que los escribió él mismo, hasta el punto de Ryusuke formula de otra manera la canción en Inglés.