Marking his sixtieth appearance at the Proms, Sir John Eliot Gardiner directs the Monteverdi Choir and the English Baroque Soloists in a celebration of the early works of Handel and Bach. Mezzo-soprano Ann Hallenberg is the soloist in Handel’s cantata of praise to the Virgin Mary, Donna, che in ciel, which is followed by Bach’s Easter cantata Christ lag in Todes Banden. The Prom culminates in Handel’s vividly theatrical Dixit Dominus. Presented by Petroc Trelawny from the Royal Albert Hall.
Name | Type | Role | |
Johann Sebastian Bach | Writer | Composer | |
Georg Friedrich Händel | Writer | Composer | |
Petroc Trelawny | Writer | Presenter | |
Stephanie McWhinnie | Producer | ||
Ann Hallenberg | Musical Guest | Singer | |
Monteverdi Choir | Musical Guest | Choir | |
English Baroque Soloists | Musical Guest | Ensemble | |
John Eliot Gardiner | Musical Guest | Conductor | |
Petroc Trelawny | Host | Presenter | |
Simon Broughton | Director |