Craig bliver jaloux, da Mitch mødes med sin og Craig's gamle flamme. Eddie køber en klassisk Mustang, der næsten er for godt et køb, og han må da også konstatere, at han er blevet snydt, da han bliver arresteret for at køre i en stjålen bil.
Rettungsschwimmer Corey macht mit Autodieben gemeinsame Sache. Er verkauft dem ahnungslosen Eddie einen gestohlenen Wagen. Der Ärger lässt nicht lange auf sich warten. Auch Mitch bekommt Ärger, und zwar mit Craig. Eine Ex-Freundin ist aufgetaucht und weckt Erinnerungen.
At a reunion with high school friends, Mitch rekindles a romance with his former love named Allison. This leads to rivalry with Craig who also dated her in high school. When Craig left for New York to attend college there, Mitch and Allison became a couple. Now, Craig can't stand seeing Mitch and Allison together. And when Mitch is late to the preparation of the dory, they end up fighting. But later on, they decide to enter the dory race anyway.
Halfway out there, they stop rowing and Mitch tells Craig that he had been in love with Allison from the first time he laid eyes on her. When Craig hears this, he forgives Mitch and they end up winning the dory race. They beat their friends Tony and Paul at the finish line. Eddie is frustrated because he doesn't have a car. So when his lifeguard buddy Corey offers him a Mustang in terrific shape for only $ 2 000, he buys it.
Later, when he shows it to Trevor, he tells Eddie that the Mustang has been stolen. The serial number is missing. It turn
Mitch, Craig et certains de leurs anciens amis se rendent à une soirée de retrouvailles. Ils apprennent qu'Allison, une fille qu'ils ont perdue de vue depuis des années, sera là.
A una riunione di compagni del liceo, Mitch riallaccia i rapporti con una sua vecchia fiamma, Allison, scatenando la gelosia del pur sposato Craig che, a sua volta, era stato insieme alla donna. I due riusciranno a chiarirsi giusto in tempo per vincere la gara di barche a remi tra gli ex del liceo. Senza saperlo, Eddie compra un'auto rubata da due sue conoscenze, ma alla fine riesce ad arrestare i ladri d'auto con l'aiuto dello sceriffo Garner.
Mitch asiste a su reunión de la escuela secundaria y conoce a un compañero de clase que despierta viejos sentimientos. Eddie, frustrado por no tener automóvil, le compra uno a un precio extremadamente bajo a un amigo, pero rápidamente descubre la razón por la cual el costo era tan bajo.