As Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Akechi catch up to Masamune, they find her already beaten, the armor taken by Ieyasu who is now attacking Nobunaga's castle. As Nobunaga and Akechi head to the castle, Masamune explains to Hideyoshi how she travelled back in time to obtain the Crimson Armor and allow the Date clan to conquer Japan, inadvertedly ending up in the alternate past and bringing Hideyoshi with her. She explains she had encountered a Date clan member from the future, later discovering a jewel that could send her through time and a scroll containing the legend of the Crimson Armor. As Ieyasu sneaks into the castle to try and retrieves the remaining pieces of armor, Masamune warns Hideyoshi that the armor will go out of control if not equipped with the jewel she brought with her. Ieyasu uses her magic to activate the armor, awakening the evil heart inside her.
マサムネが、本能寺の混乱に乗じて甲冑を盗み出した! ノブナガたちは、マサムネを追って安土城へ向かうが、その途中倒れているマサムネの姿が!? どうやらイエヤスに甲冑を奪われてしまったらしい。ノブナガとミツヒデは、全ての甲冑をイエヤスが手に入れるのを阻止するため城へと急ぐ。一方マサムネは、全ての真相をヒデヨシに語るのだった…。