Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Akechi travel on foot towards Saigoku to negotiate for the remaining armor pieces. Stopping in a town to rest, the villagers show fear towards Nobunaga, believing rumors that she eats children. This turns out to be due to Akechi's attempt to spread word of Nobunaga's kindness, which somehow got scrambled as it was passed along from person to person. After another long hike, they came across a village with a hot spring, which Hideyoshi spends too long in and catches a fever. With her fever worsening, Masamune anonymously donates some modern medicine from her time, claiming it to be from overseas. With Hideyoshi unable to take the medicine, Nobunaga delivers to her via a kiss, which Akechi happens to witness. As Hideyoshi recovers the next morning and the trio arrive in Saigoku, the three owners of the armor keep an eye on them.
残り3つの甲冑が西国にあるとの知らせを受け、ノブナガたちは早速旅立つ。当然、車や電車があるわけもなく、歩きづめで疲労困憊のヒデヨシ。ようやくある町で休むことになった一同。その町では、何故かノブナガが「子供や赤子を喰らう鬼」であるとの噂が蔓延していた! そしてその噂を流したのが、どうやらミツヒデという噂もあり、噂が噂を呼んで…。一方ヒデヨシは、疲れがたまり、体調を崩してしまい…。