Dem Waschbären hat jemand seinen ganzen Wintervorrat an Nüssen gestohlen. Durch ein Missverständnis geraten Puschel und Clay in Verdacht und hinter Gitter. Obwohl die beiden wissen, dass Non und Nen, die Ratten, die wahren Diebe sind, verraten sie die kleinen Bösewichte nicht, denn die beiden haben nur aus Hunger gestohlen.
Banner prefers to play football with Clay better than collect supplies. When hungry, Banner is accustomed to eat nuts that he can found in the forest. Flappy, as usual, tries to teach him, this time about proper retaining stocks of food. But Banner has his own ideas about that. When he have eaten almost all, he and Clay pounced on the provision of the raccoon. Then they got caught and locked. Clay's mother is very angry and told them they will have a gather the nuts for the raccoon that they robbed. Banner learns his lesson and further will go gather and retain food for the winter.