Eiichirō investigates going Pro, but his reaction from his parents is less than he expected. Eiichirō joins Natsu at the first round of the All Japan Pro to watch the debut match of Ike Souji. Afterwards he puts together a presentation for his parents on going Pro and asks for one year where he won't have to study or attend cram school so he can make the All Japan Junior. Should he fail to win the All Japan Junior, Eiichirō will turn his entire focus to studying. After gaining approval Eiichirō informs his coaches at STC, who come up with a hellacious schedule, both for practice and for tournaments, that will qualify him for the All Japan Junior. At the end of the episode Ike Souji appears to greet his old friends at STC, and after getting approval from his coach, manager, and doctor he gets 10 minutes of practice time with each STC member who volunteers to face him. When his doctor, coach, and manager disappear, Ike grabs a hold of the ball and asks Eiichirō to play a practice match with him during the remaining time instead of just hitting the ball back and forth.
Eiichirô et Natsu assistent aux débuts professionnels de Sôji Ike au premier tour du Japan Open. Pour Eiichirô, qui songeait vaguement à passer pro, le réveil est difficile. Il est très loin d’avoir le niveau. Pire, il réalise qu’avec son planning d’entraînement actuel, il n’a aucune chance de rattraper les pros. Le premier de la classe va donc prendre une décision surprenante : il veut laisser tomber les études pour se consacrer entièrement au tennis pendant un an. Reste à convaincre ses parents...