The school's students receive invitations for their parents to attend a parent-teacher party. Astarotte states her mother, Mercelída, would be too busy to attend, but Asuha insists that she go ask her in person to be sure. She and Zelda visit Mercelída's palace, but after hearing the muttered complaints of palace staff, Astarotte returns home, leaving the invitation behind. At the party, Astarotte teases her rival, Elika, about Astarotte's alleged relationship with Naoya, but later becomes saddened when Mercelída doesn't show to the party. Her mother, who had come late to the party was returning to her own palace after missing her daughter, decides suddenly to see Astarotte anyway and flies to Astarotte's palace, only to encounter Naoya and Asuha, who is revealed to be her daughter, also known as Asuhariet.
학교에서 부모님 참관의 사교파티가 개최된다. 기쁜듯이 나오야에게 초대장을 전하는 아스하와는 반대로 롯테는 왠지 뭔가 고민거리가 있는 표정. 아버지는 이미 돌아가셨고 국왕인 어머니도 너무나 바빴기에 파티에 참석하게 힘들기 때문이다. 그런 롯테에게 어머니에게 직접 초대장을 전달하러 가자는 아스하. 그런 아스하의 말에 당황하면서도 용기를 낸 롯테는 다음 날 어머니가 계신 성으로 향하게 되지만...
estudiantes de la escuela reciben invitaciones para sus padres para asistir a una fiesta de padres y profesores. Astarotte afirma su madre, Mercelida, sería demasiado ocupado para asistir, pero Asuha insiste en que ella vaya a preguntar a ella en persona para estar seguro.