A series in ten stand-alone episodes, tells the story of ten modern-day women against the beautiful backdrop of Rio de Janeiro and it's stunning urban landscapes. The protagonists are uninhibited, adulterous, vindictive, suicidal, envious, brides, betrayed, deluded. Women with distinct beauty and quaint peculiarities, each one has a particular way of life. All of them are very different, but they have one thing in common: they live their conflicts and loves with great intensity and their personalities converse with the geography of their neighborhoods. Each episode is full of sensuality and presents the day-to-day of these wonderful women, who have different ways of facing their challenges, always from the perspective of their values.
- The Girls from Rio de Janeiro
A história de dez diferentes mulheres, cada uma residente em um bairro do Rio de Janeiro.
"Las Cariocas" es una serie con diez historias independientes acerca del cotidiano de mujeres cariocas y sus conflictos. Mezcla de fuerte atractivo sensual y sofisticación, "Las Cariocas" aporta una visión innovadora en dos de las atracciones más famosas de Río de Janeiro - su belleza y sus mujeres.