Nach dem Sieg über Takao erreicht I-401 den Hafen von Yososuke, um dort eine Probe eines streng geheimen, von der japanischen Regierung entwickelten Sprengkopfs in Empfang zu nehmen. Doch ein mächtiger Politiker verlangt, dass Yona wieder in Regierungsgewahrsam übergeben wird. Während die Anspannung steigt, wird Yososuke plötzlich das Ziel eines Kanonenangriffs.
The I-401 and her crew reach the Yokosuka Base for repairs and resupply, and Gunzō takes Iona for a visit to Navy memorial for those that died in the war against the Fleet of Fog. Soon after, they are taken against their will by the Japanese Army with the rest of the crew to meet Ryōkan Kita, a former member of the Navy and an influential politician who attempts to convince Gunzō to relinquish the I-401 to the Japanese Army with no success. Meanwhile, Takao is approached by the mental models of Fog surveillance submarines I-400 and I-402 and reveals her intentions to abandon the fleet and join Gunzō's side. However, she is informed by them that two Fog battleships were dispatched to sink the I-401 and Takao leaves, claiming that she will wait for Gunzō at another location. When the Yokosuka port is under attack by said battleships, Haruna and Kirishima, Gunzō and his crew return to their submarine, subduing all resistance from Kita and his men and prepare themselves to confront the new enemies before them.
Le 401 rentre à Yokosuka, la ville natale de Gunzô. Malgré son indépendance, le sous-marin a toujours besoin de se ravitailler. Mais alors que la procédure de maintenance se déroule normalement, l'armée de terre investit la base de la marine et invite l'équipage du 401 a un dîner inattendu.
I-401 y su alcance tripulación Yokosuka Base para las reparaciones y reabastecimiento, y Gunzo toma Iona para una visita a un monumento de la marina de guerra de los que murieron en la guerra contra la Flota de niebla. Poco después, se toman en contra de su voluntad por el ejército japonés con el resto de la tripulación se encuentran Ryokan Kita, un ex miembro de la Armada y un político influyente que intenta convencer a Gunzo a renunciar a la I-401 para el Ejército japonés con sin éxito.