When Akari innocently suggests that perhaps the little space between two stairs at the Aria Company is a portal to another world, President Aria, ever curious, squeezes through the gap, and pops out on the other side to find a terrifying sight! The second story is a flashback to when Akatsuki was little. He considered himself to be a superhero, but he wasn't quite as heroic as his imagination led him to believe...
Il direttore Aria si ritrova in un mondo parallelo dove i sessi sono invertiti.
「その ふしぎワールドで…」パラレルワールドの入り口が、もし身近にあったら…。そんな不思議な世界へアリア社長が迷い込むお話です。
「その アクアを守る者よ…」ARIAカンパニーに浮き島で気候の番人をしている暁さんのお兄さんがやってきました。暁さんは、子供の頃もやっぱり暁さんだったんですね。
"En ese mundo misterioso..." Si la entrada al mundo paralelo está cerca... Esta es la historia del presidente Aria que se pierde en un mundo tan misterioso. "El que protege ese agua..." El hermano mayor de Akira, que es un guardián del clima en una isla flotante, ha llegado a ARIA Company. Akatsuki-san, eras Akatsuki-san cuando eras un niño.