Although Sister puts up a valiant defense against Maria's physical attacks, her insults help her win. Although her royal decree turns out to be to make the residents make clothes for her sheered sheep, she forces Ric, Star, Sister and Last Samurai to be sheepdogs. Afterwards, the residents send their wishes down the river. When Nino's wish for everyone to be together forever gets stuck in the middle of the river, Ric paddles out and frees it for her, reassuring her of that promise.
荒川アンダー ザ ブリッジ×ブリッジ(第2期)最終話
Aunque su decreto real resulta ser hacer que los residentes le hagan ropa a sus ovejas esquiladas, Maria obliga a Recluta, Hoshi, Hermana y al último samurai a ser perros pastores. Luego, los residentes envían sus deseos río abajo cuando el deseo de Nino de que todos estén juntos para siempre se queda atascado en medio del río.
하천 부지에서의 왕게임 결승전. 과연 승자가 될 자는!? 그리고 니노들의 금성행은!? 아라카와 언더 더 브릿지 최종화