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Season 2016

  • S2016E01 Acting as a 13-year-old boy in real life to bust a predator

    • March 23, 2016

    This online predator unknowingly meets 23-year-old me instead of the 13-year-old version of me he's willing to have sex with. This man was reported to the authorities. He is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Report a predator: https://report.cybertip.org/

  • S2016E02 Visiting the cemetery

    • August 30, 2016

    This was recorded awhile ago. I have more unreleased videos -- most of them are pretty deep.

  • S2016E03 The most bizarre predator I've seen

    • September 11, 2016

    This video retrospects a guy I talked with online in 2013 who is now in prison, in part for trying to have sex with who he thought to be an underage girl. The police found more on him though... Unlike some of the other people I've dealt with, I think this guy should be highlighted as he was one of the worst predators I've seen so far. I've never talked too much about what he did until now. BE WARNED. GRAPHIC CONTENT. Report a predator: https://report.cybertip.org/

Season 2017

  • S2017E01 How online predators manipulate their victims + Update

    • September 11, 2017

    Detailing how online predators groom and manipulate children, this video spotlights the red flags and dangers that are so often not seen or talked about... Report a predator: https://report.cybertip.org/ FB page: https://www.facebook.com/AnxietyWar/ Anxiety War LLC

  • S2017E02 Reminiscing

    • November 7, 2017

    Reminiscing at Taco Bell and the cemetery on topics such as the media, anger, predators and a skeleton I have.

  • S2017E03 A night of dumpster diving

    • November 16, 2017

    Having fun finding interesting stuff and sharing tips and tricks on how to dumpster dive safely and smoothly.

  • S2017E04 Giving people what I find in dumpsters for Christmas

    • December 20, 2017

    A couple days of dumpster diving yielded some nice and unusual Christmas presents for family and strangers.

  • S2017E05 Be different, DON'T CONFORM

    • December 30, 2017

    Happy New Year, all.

Season 2018

  • S2018E01 Dumpster full of Oreos

    • January 8, 2018

    Sick and very hungry, I finally scrounged some good vittles while dumpster diving on a snowy night.

  • S2018E02 Telling people my deep secret

    • February 10, 2018

    I eventually went inside the police station to confess.

  • S2018E03 How to convert trash into tacos

    • February 15, 2018

    Some trash is worth more than what people think.

  • S2018E04 Dumpster diving with my mom

    • February 19, 2018

    My mother and I dig through the trash on a Sunday afternoon to see if there's anything worth taking.


    • March 11, 2018

    This video expounds how I conserve money in my everyday life, from buying burgers for only 25 cents to parking anywhere in the city at no cost or penalty. And here's how I pay less for gas per gallon: https://www.fuelrewards.com/fuelrewards/welcome.html?RefId=0226ab312fa04171b984de2ac61035b5 There will be more videos to come as soon as I get my wisdom teeth taken out. I'm thinking about doing it myself... no, just kidding. Don't be too cheap! Enjoy.

  • S2018E06 Wisdom teeth surgery while awake (my experience)

    • April 9, 2018

    Recently I had four wisdom teeth removed (impacted and buried beneath the gums) with local anesthesia only so I was fully awake and not high or sedated during the operation. I don't really understand why most people prefer to be knocked out -- it's not that bad being awake, plus you won't say anything stupid to your pesky friends or family afterwards. I also wanted to drive myself home because I love driving. :D My mouth was still a little swollen when this was filmed so please don't make fun of meh.


    • April 25, 2018

    In a world bruised by violence, it's important to never let fear get in the way of having fun. For my own pleasure, I try to take a different approach.

  • S2018E08 Stopped by the police while dumpster diving

    • April 30, 2018

    An antisocial Friday night of checking dumpsters for cool stuff with my date Skelly somehow ends up with me making friends with people who share a common interest. Later, I'm pulled over by the police while having a skeleton in the passenger seat.

  • S2018E09 My favorite quotes about fear and being yourself

    • May 4, 2018

    Here are some quotes about fear and individuality that I've found helpful over the years. Are you afraid of being in the cemetery? Don't worry, someday you'll get used to it.

  • S2018E10 Sharing my deep poems with strangers

    • May 8, 2018

    I wrote poems with very deep meaning and shared them with total strangers, mostly human. TRANSCRIPT OF POEMS: 1:10 Unable to restart This bullying is tearing me apart Last to be picked for the team “He’s so weird,” they scream Flicking pencils at me in class Someday I’ll throw you through glass Stuffing trash down my ear When I get older, I’ll make you disappear Shoving me around in the hallway, calling me gay Your butt will be mine someday Don’t be confused, I’m actually straight I’m just talking about your fate Keep laughing at me, you’re all so mean Keeping pushing me, I don’t care about my self-esteem Because one day I’ll victimize you under my regime For it is all of you who made me this extreme 2:31 I don’t need to write an essay This is child’s play Keep those with hatred at bay Don’t let them stay Make them run away They are your prey How dare they betray! I remind you of Dexter, you say? “Sociopath” is cliche Give me some leeway Dexter would slay Meanwhile, I love Green Day 3:19 You are what you eat You’ve heard this on repeat No need for fork or spoon That’s the wrong tune Forget about the crumbs Listen to the drums No energy to be had My tempo will soon go bad I’m just trying to survive Eating myself alive Devouring myself Just like everyone else 4:29 Heat Feeling warmth, it feels so nice So rare, but comes at a price Dreaming of love, waking up to dread I can’t get these thoughts out of my head My blood is starting to steam This is my life’s theme Overwhelmed with fear I can’t shed even one tear Being burned alive My brain is stuck in overdrive Put out the fire, please For it is only you I really need 6:04 Sprinting along the trail My skin starts to become pale Heart pounding through my chest The last thing I need is rest Sweat pouring down my face Physical exertion isn’t the case Exhausted but not needing water Mind consumed by the slaughter No appetite to slow down These tho

  • S2018E11 Dumpster diving PC score

    • May 9, 2018

    I found some pretty cool stuff dumpster diving last night, including four Dell computers and a Trek bicycle. I'm also posting on Instagram meow!

  • S2018E12 Giving Mother's Day gifts to women who are not my mother

    • May 14, 2018

    For this year's Mother's Day, I went on a shopping spree and gave presents to women who are not my mother -- complete strangers, in fact. Father's Day is coming!

  • S2018E13 Hardest videos to watch on YouTube

    • May 22, 2018

    This is a review of certain types of YouTube videos I've always found to be difficult to watch. You may feel different; this is just how I feel. Videos where it seems as though kids are coached on what to say are the WORST! Hickey pranks can be troubling too but not nearly as bad as ASMR eating videos, cRuNcH CRUNCH. Thanks for the kind messages!

  • S2018E14 Dumpster flipping, Nintendo score

    • May 23, 2018

    I find some rad Nintendo Wii stuff in GameStop's dumpster before eventually satisfying my hungry stomach. To those who think there isn't a heaven, how do you explain a dumpster full of foam blocks? Dumpster diving? No... DUMPSTER FLIPPING!? YES!


    • June 2, 2018

    A wonderful man preached, "Dog food doesn't feel so gross to the starving man!" at the royal wedding. WELL SAID! Here is WHAT'Z TRENDINZ ON ZE INTERNETZ this week.

  • S2018E16 WOMEN - Zaxter's Deep Thoughts Ep. 1

    • June 4, 2018

    Here is the first episode of Zaxter's Deep Thoughts: WOMEN. Enjoy! But please note that Zaxter is just a character and not necessarily representative of my life nor how I feel. For instance, I am not actually single nor looking for a girlfriend; I am very happy with Skelly. Thank you!

  • S2018E17 Giving away a dumpster bike to a little kid

    • June 5, 2018

    I found a small bicycle while dumpster diving recently and gave it away to a little boy on the streets. I think he likes! :-) WHO SAID IT'S MEAN to give away stuff I find in dumpsters?! Apparently a ton of commenters on the "Giving people what I find in dumpsters for Christmas" video... yall don't understand the meaning of potential. Some of the best things in life are not cared for enough.

  • S2018E18 Don't listen to this record backwards...

    • June 6, 2018

    For many decades, some preachers have been telling people not to listen to Led Zeppelin because of perceived hidden messages audible when playing one of their songs in reverse. This video spotlights what the true wicked force is. LEAVE OUR MUSIC ALONE. Show them who's boss by sporting a quality Led Zeppelin T! https://amzn.to/2M1zYcM I love Green Day.

  • S2018E19 Daytime dumpster diving at stores that are open

    • June 7, 2018

    Too tired to dumpster dive late at night, I wake up the next day on a mission to find cool stuff behind stores that are inevitably open for business. The problem? PEOPLE... I try not to get caught digging through trash by the seemingly endless flow of employees.

  • S2018E20 INVISIBILITY - Zaxter's Deep Thoughts Ep. 2

    • June 7, 2018

    Here is the 2nd episode of Zaxter's Deep Thoughts: INVISIBILITY. Please note that Zaxter is just a character and not necessarily representative of my life nor how I feel. Enjoy!

  • S2018E21 This is running on empty NEWS REVIEW!

    • June 9, 2018

    Congratulations to Reviewbrah for BECOMING A BOSS here on YouTube. From being ticketed at the cemetery for playing Pokémon Go to clingy monkeys, here is WHAT'Z TRENDINZ ON ZE INTERNETZ this week.

  • S2018E22 I have no idea, I dunno

    • June 11, 2018

    A night of dumpster diving with my girlfriend Skelly is productive in correcting grammatical errors on doors behind businesses. We later stop at Walmart to collect some food but Skelly isn''t having it... we may break up soon.

  • S2018E23 Taking the keys from a wasted driver - Storytime

    • June 13, 2018

    While riding my bicycle today, I saw a drunk driver almost hit someone on the sidewalk. I pedaled to the vehicle and noticed the driver was out of it so I took away her keys before she could take off again. She was not happy. I thought alcohol was supposed to make people happy? GET OFF THE ROAD. Yes, that makes me happy.

  • S2018E24 How to accidentally destroy an iPhone

    • June 14, 2018

    Magnet fishing FAIL! I was trying to find cool stuff made of metal in the river but ended up annihilating my iPhone instead. Failure all the way around... no biggie though, I already bought another one on the cheap. Oh, and I also ordered a WATERPROOF CASE because I live in Michigan and we're simple folks with a lot of water. For the record, I achieved A's in high school and college. Street smarts? I'd like to think I have them, but not definitely today... we all make mistakes in life, children.

  • S2018E25 Bike found in trash given away to young girl

    • June 15, 2018

    I found another kids' bicycle in the trash so I fixed it up and gave it away on the streets. It now rides excellent!

  • S2018E26 Grandma??

    • June 16, 2018

    This is reflecting on this week's news on a more personal level.

  • S2018E27 Dress for success

    • June 18, 2018

    While dumpster diving in the daytime, it's betta to wear nice clothes to blend in and avoid suspicion. If you don't dress nicely, you may not succeed at all...

  • S2018E28 Breaking up my girlfriend (HARD)

    • June 21, 2018

    Recently I learned that my longtime girlfriend Skelly wasn't being true to me so I had to break up her. It was VERY HARD to do, and I don't think she SAW it coming, but it's for the betta because I can't trust her anymore. I'm still heartbroken but I think I'll get over it with time. Our relationship had always been pretty dry though so maybe this is a blessing in disguise. I just want to thank you all for your nice comments in dealing with this hard matter.

  • S2018E29 $1,000 bill found in dumpster

    • June 21, 2018

    Dumpster diving in a slightly more affluent neighborhood proved successful!

  • S2018E30 MaKe tHe tiTle LiKe ThIs

    • June 27, 2018

    After going to Toys "R" Us for the last time ever, it felt good to dumpster dive for no other reason than to have fun. Yes. No, yes.

  • S2018E31 Did he dieded?

    • June 28, 2018

    Going from a seemingly giant spider to a seemingly giant lie, this dumpster diving video tells a story. What do you think? Did he really died? CAN YOU FIND WALDO IN THIS VIDEO!

  • S2018E32 I've created an ASMR channel

    • July 1, 2018

    My ASMR channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl50BqNnUFtiTOyRJpAkRcA Thanks all. OF COURSE I'll still be uploading on this channel. :-)

  • S2018E33 Faith in apostrophes restored

    • July 3, 2018

    I went back behind Kohls [sic] with electrical tape and scissors to make things right while dumpster diving. YAS FOR STRIPED SOCKS! Here's the reverse peephole viewer tool if you don't believe me, it's mad: https://amzn.to/2IPZLlm My ASMR channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl50BqNnUFtiTOyRJpAkRcA/

  • S2018E34 I found this on my old hard drive today...

    • July 8, 2018

    This is from May 2013 when I was 20 years old. THE CRINGE.

  • S2018E35 I've lost hope

    • July 9, 2018

    The apostrophes were taken down AGAIN!!! History repeats itself. :-( I've concluded that it's impossible to fix this world of missing apostrophes. I GIVE UP. My ASMR channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl50BqNnUFtiTOyRJpAkRcA

  • S2018E36 Competition found in dumpster

    • July 10, 2018

    While daytime dumpster diving today, I learned that I have some competition.

  • S2018E37 He'S bAcK fRoM pRiSoN ;(

    • September 6, 2018

    A sexual predator I helped bust, Steve Wood, is now out on parole. Remain vigilant! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw75LZmCefs http://mdocweb.state.mi.us/OTIS2/otis2profile.aspx?mdocNumber=939229

  • S2018E38 Unreleased footage (2013-2018)

    • September 7, 2018

    Here's a compilation of various clips I've never shared before from back in the day since I was 20 years old. My personality was the same but given the subject matter of what this channel was all about then, of course I appeared more serious in my videos.

  • S2018E39 "I can get by here, watch..."

    • September 12, 2018

    Today I enjoyed a lovely bike ride around my city while meeting an array of wonderful people.

  • S2018E40 Meet my emotional support animal

    • September 22, 2018

    He still needs to socialize more but I'm very excited for him to be a part of my life and in future videos as he continues to meet lovely new people.

  • S2018E41 Do you have any poison ivy plants for sale?

    • September 25, 2018

    Just doing a little shopping before riding ma Schwinn on the city streets.

  • S2018E42 Self-employment pros & cons

    • September 27, 2018

    Working for yourself has its advantages and disadvantages. In this video, I share my experiences in what it means to be self-employed, specifically in the realm of internet entrepreneurship (website building and programming).

  • S2018E43 Rejected at the shopping mall :(

    • October 1, 2018

    I'll do more videos like this! Happy October!

  • S2018E44 Advice for beginning YouTubers

    • October 3, 2018

    A new YouTuber faces many challenges I address in this video, where I give my experience.

  • S2018E45 Just say anything

    • October 3, 2018

    Talking to strangers is simple -- just say anything!

  • S2018E46 Don't be afraid to ask questions

    • October 5, 2018

    More important than not fearing to ask people questions is not being afraid to question those who ask them.

  • S2018E47 Do you know how to get to the Psychopath Resources Center?

    • October 10, 2018

    I'm late for an appointment. Fun bicycle riding as always -- talking to random strangers in the city.

  • S2018E48 Sketching out strangers

    • October 15, 2018

    Drawing strangers in public and giving them the masterpiece, haha. When I first started doing this, it freaked me out, but now it's SO MUCH FUN.

  • S2018E49 Trying to pick up strangers to find Christmas gifts in dumpsters for other strangers

    • December 27, 2018


Season 2019

  • S2019E01 You can pet him

    • April 7, 2019

    While riding my bike along the riverfront with my emotional support animal, we meet all kinds of people. Some are reluctant to pet him, however.

  • S2019E02 How to talk to strangers

    • April 9, 2019

    Many of you have asked for a video like this so I'd thought I'd share my thoughts on how to chat with strangers, which I find mentally rewarding even though I consider myself highly introverted.

  • S2019E03 Man Keeps Walking After Trying to Meet 14-Year-Old

    • April 11, 2019

    A grown man tries to meet up with an underage girl he found online, lying through his teeth when he meets me instead.

  • S2019E04 Get in the car

    • April 14, 2019

    My crow Mr. Crowley and I go for an Oldsmobile cruise while rambling.

  • S2019E05 Embrace your weirdness

    • April 16, 2019

    Some may call you "weird", but remember that it's okay to be different -- everyone is. Embrace your individuality!

  • S2019E06 Whenever you're feeling down...

    • April 18, 2019

    Exercise, eating healthy and staying busy can have a profoundly positive impact on your mood and overall mental health.

  • S2019E07 The Most Pathetic Predator I've Seen

    • April 22, 2019

    Planning to meet up several times with who he thought to be a 13-year-old girl, this conflicted online predator blames depression for his actions and continues to ask for naughty pics. Report a predator: https://report.cybertip.org/

  • S2019E08 Frantic Online Predator Runs in Circles & Drops His Keys

    • May 16, 2019

    Continuing to pressure who he thinks to be a 13-year-old girl to send nudes, this middle-aged predator decides to meet her in a store dressing room for sex.

  • S2019E09 Nasty Predator Tries Taking a Minor Girl to His Home

    • June 10, 2019

    With great appreciation for terrible memes, this online predator tries picking up who he thinks to be a 14-year-old girl for her "willingness to try new things in the bedroom."

  • S2019E10 Shooting Holes in the State Attorney General's BS

    • June 20, 2019

    Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel sent out a press release trying to destroy my character and undermine my efforts in the fight against online predators.

  • S2019E11 The Predator Who Won't Shut Up

    • July 22, 2019

    Acting as a 13-year-old boy in real life to bust a predator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lix5TuZNJE8

  • S2019E12 How to speak up against online predators

    • September 13, 2019

    Report a predator: http://cybertipline.org Merch: https://anxietywar.com/

  • S2019E13 Giving people what I find in dumpsters for Christmas 2

    • December 25, 2019

    A snowy night of dumpster diving with my pet crow produced some cool finds to give out to complete strangers, plus my brother's cat. Merch: https://anxietywar.com/ The prequel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFAY6v_6jXc My bro's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/30129ss

Season 2020

Season 2021

Season 2022

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Revival

    • August 28, 2016

    Thank you for your support! http://facebook.com/AnxietyWar/

  • SPECIAL 0x2 "Why did you quit catching predators?" Q&A

    • May 26, 2018

    A whole schwack of you asked me questions about my channel and personal life. I answer them. My favorite book: https://amzn.to/2GPEmrG PS: I really don't mean for my videos to be so long (I try to aim for around 10 minutes), but apparently a lot of times they go much longer haha. Waaahh wahhh wahhh, "this video is too long!" Don't watch all of it then, durrrrrr.

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Plz don't reupload ThE bLiNd GuY vIdEo!

    • July 22, 2018

    They say to never take candy from strangers, but what about taking candy from dumpsters? I like.

  • SPECIAL 0x4 Moving on...

    • October 1, 2020

    Anxiety War | RAW: https://www.patreon.com/anxietywar


    • April 8, 2016

    Thank you all for your support. #MakeYouTubeGreatAgain -- you did it! Google reinstated my channel and also the three videos they removed (the guy fainting, the elderly dude and the Marine, respectively). I deleted some too in caution before getting the ban hammer but the ban hammer hit me anyway on April 4 -- this channel was terminated -- everything gone. Today, however, I was unbanned and all of my strikes have been removed and now this account is in "good standing." I plan on keeping it that way. I WAS IN NO VIOLATION and Google affirmed. Report a predator: https://report.cybertip.org/ Anxiety War, LLC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Anxiety-War-1752183101667716/ Website: http://anxietywar.com/