유미는 갑작스러운 현주의 퇴장에 당황하지만 내색할 수 없다. 유미는 성공에 가깝게 다가가는 지훈만큼 대중들의 관심을 받고, 지훈의 비밀도 하나둘씩 알게 된다.
Yu-mi who was working busily because of Hyun-joo’s threats is shocked by Hyun-joo’s sudden exit, but she cannot show it. Although she didn’t want it, Yu-mi receives as much attention as Ji-hoon who is nearing success. Yu-mi feels an unknown sense of anxiousness and also finds out the secrets of her husband one by one.
"ヒョンジュの脅迫で忙しく働いていたユミは、ヒョンジュの突然の退社にショックを受ける。 彼女は望んでいなかったが、ユミは成功に近づいているジフンと同じくらい注目を集め始める。ユミは未知の不安を感じながらも、夫の秘密を一つ一つ明らかにしていく。"