더 이상 바라는 게 없다는 만족감이 드는 어느 날, 유미는 까맣게 잊고 살던 현주를 만나게 된다. 현주는 유미가 자신의 이름과 학력을 훔쳤다는 것을 알게 된다.
Yu-mi chooses to marry a promising businessman. She lives her life in satisfaction, until one day, she runs into Hyun-joo whom she had completely forgotten about. Hyun-joo, who is no longer financially stable, finds out that Yu-mi stole her name and academic background and starts to torment her. Yu-mi’s husband Ji-hoon becomes famous as a politician, and Yu-mi is cornered.
"ユミは有望な実業家と結婚することを選ぶ。彼女は満足のいく生活を送っていたが、ある日、すっかり忘れていたヒョンジュと再会する。 経済的に安定しなくなったヒョンジュは、ユミが自分の名前と学歴を盗んだことを知り、彼女を苦しめ始める。ユミの夫ジフンは政治家として有名になり、ユミは追い詰められる。"