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Season 1

  • S01E01 Session 1: - You are in a tavern

    • July 15, 2018
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    A mysterious package arrives in the city of Ribera, in the country of Argos. The nobleman of the city of Pylaia, Don Rodrigo and father of Saint Tomás Pepe, sends him, Eighth, Hilda and Victra to get the package and take it to the capital, Illion.

  • S01E02 Session 2: - Wide is Llanoverde

    • July 25, 2018
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    The group embarks on its journey to Ribera, passing through Llanoverde and reaching the Cordillera de Reiz, where they are attacked by a group of bandits, led by Alfonso, to whom they overcome with difficulties. They shelter from the night in the house of a man named Victor, very close to the city of Ribera.

  • S01E03 Session 3: - Cat

    • August 12, 2018
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    When the group arrives in Ribera, they find that it is being besieged by the enemy country of Kushistan. While Victra is in charge of infiltrating the group to the city and later to the fortress, the Kushistani soldiers try to enter the fortress, this being prevented by Tomás. The captain of the fortress gives Victra the package, which turns out to be a sapphire, which unleashes a series of "memories" in it. Later, the Kushistani soldiers enter the fortress thanks to Hashim with the intention of obtaining the sapphire and the group escapes from the city through a portal created by Tornillo.

  • S01E04 Session 4: - You can climb that mountain

    • August 16, 2018
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    The group meets with Tornillo in a cave near Ribera, which joins the group. They decide that the best route to get to Illion is to go through a forest. In the forest they meet Doc and Holly LeBrun, who claim that Tornillo stole a Gestal wood and that after "defeating" them, they arrive in the small town of Molinar, where they get money through a dance show.

  • S01E05 Session 5: - A great responsibility

    • August 27, 2018
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    Victra and Tomás, pretending to be Phaion's diplomats, talk to Molinar's ruling merchants, realizing their problems with Don Rodrigo. Without knowing how to help them, the group starts again, this time towards Valentía. After several days traveling through the forest, the group finally arrives at Valentía. They visit the Cathedral of Santa María de Llanoverde and meet Father Martín and Inquisitor Aaron Levy, with whom they do not get on very good terms, however, they join him in the fight against Hashim and the Kushistani army, when they enter to the city by force. Eighth, with the intention of delivering the sapphire, he goes out of control and demonstrates his magical abilities in combat, ends exhausted and with the danger of an inquisitor present.

  • S01E06 Session 6: - The land of dreams

    • September 10, 2018
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    Aaron threatens Eighth with killing him, unless he has a reason not to do so. Aaron says he was in Courage with the mission to find the lost legislator "Kala," owned by Apostle Joshua. Aaron says that he will understand that they have good intentions if they accompany him to The Vigil to find him, so the group leaves behind Tornillo (who refuses to enter The Vigil) and they accompany Aaron on his mission. Already within the Vigil, Victra is attacked by some ghosts, being saved by Aid, an old woman in a somewhat special wheelchair, who tells them that the legislator they are looking for could be close. They follow her to a dungeon, in which they separate from Aaron. Once inside the dungeon, Auxilios takes off the sapphire and is attacked by creatures with psychic abilities, who are defeated with the help of Aid. Afterwards, Auxilios returns the sapphire and together they leave La Vigilia

  • S01E07 Session 7: - Consequences

    • September 28, 2018
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    The group, with the intention of taking a week's holiday to regain strength, see their plans frustrated by the absence of Tornillo and Sapphire. Eighth is able to find the trail of Screw and they follow him towards a forest, where they find him next to the corpse of Seishin, moment in which Tornillo shows his nonconformity with the group due to his pragmatic way of doing things and his lack of curiosity about the sapphire. Screw offers to study the sapphire and the group accepts, returning to Courage with sand for the ritual. After several days preparing the runes, Tornillo reveals the nature of the sapphire and proposing a new one, that the sages of the order of Yehudah study it. Victra, as leader of the group, tells her that she has until they reach Illion to convince her not to hand over the sapphire.

  • S01E08 Session 8: - The fox and The dragon

    • October 14, 2018
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    When the group continues its journey southward, they are forced to go through Veracruz, where they meet a strange figure, who turns out to be Francisco Zarauz, a boy from Molinar who had taken a trip to Illion. They continue their journey with Francisco, arriving in the city of Vega, under the command of Íñigo de Veracruz and priest Diego Garcia, who organized an execution for a member of the band of Carlos Zalte, a famous bandit who fights against the injustices of Íñigo and Diego. Carlos makes an appearance and frees the boy. The group supports Carlos, a conflict that is finally ended by a waste of talent from Tomás, forcing Íñigo to surrender and commit suicide. Diego, against the sword and the wall, is accused by a girl, member of the Chosen of the dragon, of belonging to the order of Yehudah. Carlos reveals his true identity, turning out to be Javier de Veracruz, Íñigo's older brother. Under the revelry, the Dragon Elect appear and congratulate the group. Lorenzo Vitale, member of the elected, shows a special interest in Victra. The group asks Javier permission to interrogate Diego, he accepts and the group tries. The only information they can get from Diego is that "the door" that opens the sapphire is to the north-east. Victra, annoyed by the lack of collaboration Diego decides to shoot him in the head with his crossbow, which ends up killing him. Javier, realizing the death of Diego, advises the group to leave as soon as possible, before the inquisition arrives. Just before he can leave, Lorenzo asks Victra to take his hand and give it to him, Victra refuses and Lorenzo offers a deal, the hand of Victra or the life of Horsefrillos. The situation ends with Victra being unable to make a decision, losing his hand and Horsefrillos being killed by Bellatrix, who is called by Lorenzo. Lorenzo threatens the group, saying he will kill them all if Victra regains her hand.

  • S01E09 Session 9: - Give me a reason to smile

    • November 5, 2018
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    After the departure of the elect, Eighth spends a couple of hours preparing a strange ritual, trying to revive in his way to Horsefrillos using creation magic, until Hilda wakes up and meets the scene. Hilda worries about Tomás, Victra and her spear, but Eighth takes charge of the situation. Screw and Eighth have a conversation about taking charge of the problems, with which Eighth decides to use the vacuum for the ritual, but no longer creating horsefrillos, but Quinto. Later, Eighth creates a prosthesis to Victra and comforts Tomás . After a while, the group leaves to the north, with the intention of finding a place to do the ritual for the sapphire. They find a cabin in the forest, where they meet Sofía, an old woman who feeds them and gives Victra a strange pearl. Inside the cabin, they know Nut, a nekirin that Tornillo knew at some point in his life. Later, they realize that the cabin is a sancta sanctorum. The group decides to stay to sleep in the cabin while Tornillo performs the ritual. Victra has a new episode of visions, but ignores them by opposing her instincts. At nightfall, they hear the voices of Doc and Holly in the basement, where they have been kidnapped by Sofia. They have a fight against Sofia, who turns out to be a witch who sacrifices people to the demons, to which they finally defeat. The group stays in the cabin for a couple of days, until Tornillo finishes the ritual and reveals what the sapphire keeps, the Rod of Pertho.

  • S01E10 Session 10: - Heir of the Moon

    • November 23, 2018
    • YouTube

    The group leaves in its new direction towards the north, by the Mountain range of Erasia. On the trip, Victra at the insistence of her companions decides to contact the sapphire again and for the first time with the pearl, causing Victra to have a new vision, in which she meets her father and reveals his hidden power: The ability to alter reality. Continuing with her trip, the group is again with Auxilios XIII, who is stranded and is looking for a man named Loctus Khan Schartzwald, who according to her may be the key to finding the black metal she is looking for. Aid decides to accompany the group and create a super advanced prosthesis for Victra. On their way they find the ruins of an old fortress, where they decide to stay so that Tornillo can go back to making the runes and reveal the place they should go, however, they are ambushed by Hashim and his men, with whom they have a epic combat, in which the group ends up being the winner when defeating Hashim. Aid in combat loses a leg, but Victra returns it giving use to his new power. After Tornillo reveals where they should go, Aid goes east and the group to their goal: Serrano's fortress. When they arrive near the fortress, Victra listens again to Lorenzo's flute, who sees him with his companions disappear in the distance.

  • S01E11 Session 11: - The noble art of war

    • January 2, 2019
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  • S01E12 Session 12: The land that the world forgot

    • January 10, 2019
    • YouTube

Season 2