As the anti-war movement gains momentum, Meg and Sam get caught in the crossfire at an anti-war rally and finds themselves taking a stand that may have severe consequences in their future. Jack also takes a stand on Beth and her marital status as he begins his campaign for city councilman. Helen makes a shocking discovery at work and Patty , disappointed with her first date, turns to Roxanne for advice. Meanwhile, JJ and his squad are surrounded by the Viet Cong and under heavy gunfire when they are told they will not be receiving backup and will be on their own
Pendant que le mouvement anti-guerre prend de l'ampleur, Meg et Sam prennent une décision aux conséquences lourdes. Alors qu'il commence sa campagne pour être conseiller municipal, Jack prend position par rapport à la situation de Beth. Pendant qu'Helen fait une surprenante découverte à son travail, Patty, déçue de son rendez-vous galant, demande conseil à Roxanne. Au Viêt-nam, Jerry et son escouade, se retrouvent entourés par les Viêt Cong et livrés à eux-mêmes...
Jack valuta la possibilità di candidarsi al consiglio comunale, ma la storia di Beth potrebbe metterlo in cattiva luce di fronte ai cattolici. Meg decide di prendere parte ad una manifestazione pacifista insieme a Sam. I due vengono arrestati dalla Polizia. Nathan affronta le conseguenze derivanti dalla sua obiezione di coscienza. In Vietnam, la squadra di JJ rimane bloccata in una situazione che non lascia speranza.