The Imperial army is continuing its retreat from the numerically superior Aldera forces at the base of the Alafatra mountain range. They've set fire to the forest to buy themselves more time, but after a few days the fire is beginning to burn out. To buy the time they need to finish the retreat, Ikta is forced to maintain a proactive mobile defense and keep the flames burning. But the enemy general is breaking all the rules, and Ikta can't figure out his game. By the time Ikta realizes what's happened, it's too late, and the enemy is battering down his walls with a new weapon and sending their cavalry straight through the flames!
Les troupes de Katjvarna se séparent pour éviter d’être prises à revers par l’armée d’Aldera, mais Kala Karm rôde et le plan imaginé par Ikta ne sera pas sans péril pour le détachement comme pour le gros des troupes.
Ikta debe retrasar el avance del ejército de Aldera al menos por siete días. Aunque incendiar el bosque les ha hecho ganar tiempo, el enemigo amenaza con emboscarlos por el sendero del oeste, donde se esconde la Unidad Fantasma.
L'Esercito Imperiale prosegue la sua ritirata dalle ben più numerose forze di Aldera stazionate alle pendici della catena degli Alafatra. Sono riusciti a guadagnare qualche giorno di tempo appiccando un incendio nella foresta, ma i fuochi stanno iniziando a spegnersi.