Die Night-Raid-Mitglieder wollen die Geburtstagsfeier des Pfades des Friedens nutzen, um den Palast zu stürmen. Doch dabei geht etwas schief. Mine und Tatsumi werden von Seryu entdeckt und angegriffen. Scheinbar gelingt es Mine, die Angreiferin aus dem Weg zu räumen. Aber dann muss sie erkennen, dass Seryu noch einen mörderischen Trumpf in der Hinterhand hat.
Night Raid plans to infiltrate the palace during Path of Peace's anniversary festival. Mine and Tatsumi are assigned as a diversion, and the two are eventually driven to the city's edge, where Seryu spots and recognizes them. She attacks the pair alongside the last member of the Four Rakshasa Demons, Suzuka. Mine manages to slice Seryu and Coro in half, but Seryu retaliates by setting off a suicide bomb implanted in her head. Exhausted, Mine struggles to escape the bomb, but is saved by Tatsumi, who had previously defeated Suzuka by crushing her with nearby ruins. Meanwhile, the rest of Night Raid storm the palace. Despite being told by Esdeath to stay put, Borick attempts to flee, but is quickly killed by Lubbock and Akame.
Suite à la débandade de trois des quatre Rakshasa, les Jägers sont sur le pied de guerre. De leur côté, le Night Raid a réuni assez d’informations pour passer à l’attaque. Susanoo prépare un dernier festin avant que Najenda lance son opération visant à assassiner Bolic...
Mentre la battaglia infuria in diversi luoghi simultaneamente, Mine si trova in grave pericolo. Tatsumi riuscirà a salvarla?
잠입을 들켜버린 타츠미와 마인은 쿄로쿠 마을에서 떨어진 곳으로 몸을 피한다. 그리고 그곳에서 셰레의 원수, 세류 유비키타스와 대전하게 되는데...
La infiltración ha tenido éxito y los miembros de Night Raid prosiguen avanzando para matar al líder religioso, pero se encuentran con diferentes obstáculos. Tatsumi tendrá que luchar contra Suzuka y Mine hará lo propio contra Seryuu.
À cozinha, o Su prepara o que há de melhor dentre os favoritos da Night Raid. Tudo em prol da alimentação dos guerreiros que, iniciada o plano de ação da batalha final, podem não ver mais o dia seguinte.
Night Raid决定在教团的建立纪念日刺杀教主助手伯利克,潜入城市调查的塔兹米和玛茵被赛琉和铃鹿发现。塔兹米拖住铃鹿,玛茵则与赛琉在山谷展开炮弹对决,两人厮杀一场,最终玛茵用南瓜炮斩杀了赛琉,终于报了血海深仇。赛琉临死前自爆,塔兹米及时出现救了玛茵, 玛茵此时才明白了自己对塔兹米的心意……