Sowohl Night Raid als auch die Yaegers haben alle Hände voll zu tun, mit den Monstern fertig zu werden, von denen es jetzt überall wimmelt. Vor allem eine neue, veränderte Art macht allen zu schaffen: Monster, die früher Menschen waren. Esdeath und Run glauben, dass sie bei einem von Dr. Stylishs Experimenten entstanden und irgendwie entkommen sind.
The prime minister assigns Esdeath to track down the Danger Beasts from the previous episode and kill them. Later, the Jaegars attack some of the Danger Beasts when they attack a wagon of supplies. The next day, Wave recalls the incident and notes that the present merchants were terrified of Bols despite his kind personality because of his otherwise fearsome appearance. However, Bols tells him that despite his personality, he had killed many people in the past, which understandably earned him a lot of hate. Then, the group is visited by Bols's wife and young daughter who support his work, which surprises Wave. Meanwhile, while doing some training with Susanoo, Tatsumi tells him that he should be considered one of Night Raid, not as a tool. Later, Night Raid travels to another hideout and are given their newest mission: to kill the modified Danger Beasts, essentially helping the Capital they have been fighting. When Chelsea states her belief that the Jaegers should take care of the problem, Tatsumi counters that by aiding the Capital, they would be able to save more lives. Chelsea later confides to Najenda that she believes Tatsumi's kindness will eventually lead him to his death. Esdeath and Run express to each other their beliefs that, since the new Danger Beasts were revealed to have once been human, they were possibly the result of one of Dr. Stylish's experiments, and assume they somehow managed to escape their containment. The following night, while patrolling the mountains, Tatsumi learns about Lubbock's reasons for joining Night Raid, which involved Najenda. Later, Tatsumi travels to the summit of a mountain alone and is suddenly confronted by a wandering Esdeath, who is shocked to see him.
Suite à l’apparition de nouvelles créatures dangereuses, le Night Raid emménage dans son nouveau repaire.
Sur les ordres du ministre, Esdeath et ses Jägers se livrent eux aussi à la chasse...
I Night Raid e gli Jaeger si trovano a fronteggiare un nuovo tipo di mostro.
최근 도성 주변에 출몰하기 시작한 신형 위험종은 민가에 쳐들어와 주민을 덮친다. 이에 예거즈와 도성 경비대가 나서지만 그 숫자는 쉬이 줄지 않았는데... 백성들이 피해를 보고 있다는 말을 듣고 나이트레이드도 행동을 개시한다.
Han aparecido unas nuevas y violentas Bestias Peligrosas cerca de la capital que están causando terribles estragos entre su población. Por lo tanto, los Jaegers de Esdeath y Night Raid deciden salir a cazarlos por su cuenta, el problema radica en la posibilidad de que se puedan encontrar mientras están cazando.
Novas bestas aparecerem e as suspeitas das suas origens começam a se espalhar. Seja lá de onde vieram, tanto a capital quanto a Night Raid querem vê-las exterminadas e vão atrás delas. Mal sabe o Tatsumi quem essa busca o fará encontrar.