Nach dem Sieg über Dr. Stylish macht sich Night Raid auf den Weg in ein von feindseligen Monstern verseuchtes Gebiet, um dort ein neues Versteck zu finden. Mit Susanoo und Chelsea stoßen zwei neue Rebellen als Verstärkung zu den übrig gebliebenen Teammitgliedern. Gleich zu Beginn macht sich Chelsea unbeliebt, indem sie Night Raid Unfähigkeit vorwirft. Doch bald zeigt sich, dass sie ihre Gründe dafür hat.
After Dr. Stylish's death Night Raid ventures into a Danger Beast-infested area so they can set up their new hideout. Najenda introduces Susanoo and Chelsea, the girl from the previous episode. After their introduction, Chelsea berates Night Raid for their incompetence, which she alleges led to Sheele and Bulat's deaths. Angered, Mine decides to teach Chelsea a lesson and recruits Lubbock and Tatsumi, the latter of whom uses Incursio to sneak on the hot spring where Chelsea is bathing. However, Tatsumi instead confronts Susanoo, but it is actually Chelsea using her Teigu, Gaea Foundation, which changes her physical appearance. Chelsea tells her story about her former team being massacred, leaving her as the only survivor, and she reveals that she berated Night Raid because she didn't want them to die like her former team did. Meanwhile, a depressed Esdeath learns of the loss of Dr. Stylish and comforts Seryu when she grieves his death. At the Capital, Run tells Esdeath that there are many lookalikes of Tatsumi for her to court, but Esdeath declares that there is only one Tatsumi. At the mining caves, miners are being devoured by modified Danger Beasts while watched by a hooded man.
Son repaire débusqué, le Night Raid doit se réfugier sur les hauteurs de Marg. C’est l’occasion pour Tatsumi et ses compagnons de faire la connaissance des deux nouveaux membres qui accompagnaient Najenda : Chelsea, qui possède une arme impériale lui permettant de se transformer ; et Susanoo, lui-même une arme impériale qui, outre ses capacités de combat, dispose de nombreux autres talents...
Dopo la vittoria, Najenda presenta ai Night Raid due nuovi membri.
첼시와 생물형 제구, 스사노오를 새롭게 멤버로 맞이하게 된 나이트레이드. 그러나 마인은 첼시의 거리낌 없는 태도에 불만이 있는 거 같은데...
Najenda por fin tiene algo de tiempo de presentar a Tatsumi y compañía a sus nuevos compañeros: Susanoo y Chelsea. Durante un tiempo tendrán que vivir en plenas montañas, asÌ que aprovecharán para hacerse más fuertes y conocerse mejor entre sí. Aunque parece que la actitud de Chelsea molesta a Mine más de la cuenta.
Após cuidarem de um inimigo que tentou abatê-los sozinho, a Night Raid busca um lugar para se acomodar temporariamente e eles aproveitam o tempo para treinar e conhecer os novos integrantes.
Night Raid两位新成员,一丝不苟的帝具须佐之男和腹黑耳机变身妹切尔茜。须佐之男不仅肉搏非常给力,还十分擅长做家务。在另一边,艾斯德斯确认了变态博士的死亡,赛琉把博士看做恩人,因此她十分伤心,发誓要把Night Raid斩尽杀绝。离革命的日子越来越近了,大家为此努力锻炼,迎接任务的到来……