Kai is walking along a large road following the locator that Fukamichi gave to her. Slowly but surely, she approaches her opponent. Miori is alongside and her and is completely emotionally attacked to Kai. Her opponent happens to be Kinjiro Kitaeda, or Kin-chan! As soon as they realize who their opponent is, they start into a full-out battle! Izakaya Bomber vs. Chi Punch. Or more so, Sky Star Pro Wrestler vs. the Spirited Right Puncher!" They're in the middle of a busy street with cars and people around, plus it's broad daylight. A large gallery of people form to watch them find each other un affected by their surroundings. Though Kin-chan is looking for the Air Master, he cannot hide is surprise at her toughness. The tension between the two grows! Kinjiro tries to end it with his ultra-fast right while Kai is trying to show him her "way of life." The fight between these two is one for the ages! They're in a dead heat! Which one will win?
Kai trifft an einer Straßenecke auf Kinjirō, der entschlossen ist, kurzen Prozess mit ihr zu machen. Doch schnell merken beide, dass das ein langer Kampf wird. So kämpfen sie ungeachtet aller Zuschauer mitten auf der Straße und sogar auf fahrenden Autos um das Recht, gegen Maki antreten zu dürfen.
كاي تسلك طريقاً عريضاً متّبعة محدّد موقع الخصم الذي أعطاها إيّاه فوكاميتشي لتقترب من خصمها أخيراً. يتبيّن أن خصمها هو كيتايدا كينجيرو أو المسمّى كين-تشان لتبدأ بينهما معركة حامية الوطيس.